Unable to put out fire with no time left

By frouvne, in Red November

What happens if I spend the last amount of time trying to put out a fire and is unsuccessful in my attempt? As I read the rules, I think the gnome dies but I do think it would be in the spirit of the game to say that if there is a room I would be able to retreat to the gnome is rescued.

If there's really no time left, you die - but you die happy knowing that the rescue team is here and that your comrades will be safe !

I'm sure that will comfort me, when the situation arise again! gui%C3%B1o.gif Thanks for the response!

If you do not succeed in putting out the fire, you get a free move to move out of the room aflame. So you do not die (unless the fire is all around the room, in which case you move only to another fire and have no chance to put it out it).

Zion said:

If you do not succeed in putting out the fire, you get a free move to move out of the room aflame. So you do not die (unless the fire is all around the room, in which case you move only to another fire and have no chance to put it out it).

I believe you only get that move IF you have another minute to spend on it; it is only special because you normally do not get a Move after an Action...

Titeman said:

I believe you only get that move IF you have another minute to spend on it; it is only special because you normally do not get a Move after an Action...

Well, this move is free, so it is not about time at all and you should be able to carry the move out even with 0 time left. It is something that saves the Gnomes from flames for all the game, so why not at its very end.

But the discussion on this course is pointless, as you die only at the end of your turn, and if you succesfully got to exit point (time "zero"), you will have no other turn, so you will not die... the fires will be put out by the rescue teams gui%C3%B1o.gif .

Look on page 12 of the rules under The Extinguish Fire action: "If the Extinguish Fire action fails, the active player must make a supplemental move to exit the room to an adjacent room, spending time as per the normal movement rules " (bold emphasis mine)...

Oops, I missed this one, thanks for notice... (so it´s probably better to leave one minute to let you steer out of danger -- that is, if you have where, in the first place).