Need help interpreting this card Rules as Written (RAW).
"Then moves that Senator up to 4 spaces to a space adjacent to a friendly figure."
So there is some debate happening over this mission regarding the quoted sentence. RAW, it would appear that Senators can move a minimum of 1 space on their own without any other friendly figures nearby. Otherwise the card would say "to a space adjacent to another friendly figure"
Even though a figure can't be adjacent to itself, this is talking about a space, not a figure, and figures are friendly to themselves. If a figure used an ability that said "choose a space adjacent to a friendly figure", it would legally be able to choose a space adjacent to itself.
If you move the Senator first and then choose a legal space to end in at the end of your movement, then we have a problem of moving Senators that should not be moving at all as a way to move a senator 3 spaces onto an extraction point when there's no other friendly figures around.
So I guess my questions are as follows:
1) Is the intention of this mission that Senators cannot move unless their is another friendly figure within 5 spaces of them.
2) If that is the intention, does the mission text actually convey that correctly, or does this card need an errata to say "moves that Senator up to 4 spaces to a space adjacent to another friendly figure." to actually be RAW correct?