Melee during deployment

By drail14me, in Star Wars: Legion

So, I just noticed this in the new RRG....

"Units cannot be placed into or move into base contact with an enemy mini during Setup."


The reason I ask is this happened in a game recently. Was playing in a Skirmish tournament. My opponent "Infiltrated" Cassian during setup and placed him about 1/4" from my deployment zone. I knew he was going to Crack Shot first round so I deployed a "Rebel Trooper" squad with Recon and moved into base contact. That messed up his Crack Shot play. Poor deployment choice in my opinion. So, why is it now illegal for me to do that?

'Cause that's how they decided it should work. I don't think there's any particular reason, they just needed to make a call one way or the other and decided this way. All it's doing is making it harder to take advantage of newbs and fools and making Infiltrate units a tiny bit better, and I'm fine with that.

Edited by arnoldrew

They probably put this in since Iden, Cassian, and the Imperial Special Forces are entering play more heavily and preventing them from deploying and then running into the enemy deployment zone.

I think what you did is a smart move under the circumstances, but I'd bet the rule is there to keep a super-buffed Iden from getting a pre-turn 1 flank and immediately immobilizing or gutting your units before they can get into cover.

1 minute ago, evo454 said:

I'd bet the rule is there to keep a super-buffed Iden from getting a pre-turn 1 flank and immediately immobilizing or gutting your units before they can get into cover.

But won't this rule actually encourage what happened in my game? In my case, it was a new player that made the Cassian deployment. I moved into melee and showed him how that would mess up his Crack Shot play. I actually took back my Recon move and let him play out his Crack Shot and it was devastating. I knew it was coming so I played "Ambush" to try to counter. He won the roll. With Crack Shot Gunslinger then Stand-By then Gunslinger again, he took out two core units right off the bat.

This rule seems like a good Buff to Infiltrating units. Not really complaining as I'll happily use it with my infiltrating units. I just didn't see an issue with the rule as it was.

3 minutes ago, drail14me said:

This rule seems like a good Buff to Infiltrating units. Not really complaining as I'll happily use it with my infiltrating units. I just didn't see an issue with the rule as it was.

Yeah, I don't quite know why they didn't just clarify and say that no unit can start the game within the opponent's deployment zone, which would help to keep the strat of using Recon Intel to counter Infiltrate units while keeping units with Infiltrate from auto-flanking and devastating an army before deployment even really starts.

I’m pretty sure this is more concerned with Scouting Party and Hostage Exchange but I could be wrong since I’ve never played with either.

47 minutes ago, evo454 said:

Yeah, I don't quite know why they didn't just clarify and say that no unit can start the game within the opponent's deployment zone, which would help to keep the strat of using Recon Intel to counter Infiltrate units while keeping units with Infiltrate from auto-flanking and devastating an army before deployment even really starts.

and now there are some deploy outside of the printed deployment zones with vehicles set-ups as well (probably won't matter as much in this scenario). Who knows what's coming down the pipe. I just think this is how they wanted it, for reasons we won't know. I'm sure there are some more infiltrators coming for Separatists and Clones still too.

Edited by buckero0
1 hour ago, drail14me said:

With Crack Shot Gunslinger then Stand-By then Gunslinger again, he took out two core units right off the bat.

You could have avoided the second Gunslinger. You just have to attack him with your first action. If you roll at least 1 hit/crit Cassian would have lost his stand-by due to suppression without having the chance to use it.

Honestly, I'm a little surprised that BX droids didn't have infiltrate, but I think that's in part since they are supposed to be the rough equivalent to Rebel Commandos or Imperial Scout Troopers.

8 minutes ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

You could have avoided the second Gunslinger. You just have to attack him with your first action. If you roll at least 1 hit/crit Cassian would have lost his stand-by due to suppression without having the chance to use it.

Tried it. That plan didn’t work out when I rolled blanks and surges with a naked Rebel Trooper squad.

1 hour ago, Caimheul1313 said:

Honestly, I'm a little surprised that BX droids didn't have infiltrate, but I think that's in part since they are supposed to be the rough equivalent to Rebel Commandos or Imperial Scout Troopers.

they got Scout 3 and Scale, that's pretty good for getting to where they need to be. And it's thematic to what they were shown to do in the Cartoon series (climbing up buildings and popping out crazy places to ambush jedi and clones)

Edited by buckero0
8 minutes ago, buckero0 said:

they got Scout 3 and Scale, that's pretty good for getting to where they need to be. And it's thematic to what they were shown to do in the Cartoon series (climbing up buildings and popping out crazy places to ambush jedi and clones)

Yes, but we also see them Infiltrating a base, so that would also make sense for the unit to not have Scout 3 but keep Scale.

i think this change was made mainly to prevent entering melee with the hostage carrier in the hostage exchange objective. It was technically possible to melee that unit during setup on some deployments with a scout move.

I believe @Ringmaster80 hit the nail on the head. Since deployment happens before the first turn, a unit could enter into melee with a unit that has the Hostage upgrade, forcing them to Withdraw if they want to move. I suppose that also could have been solved by giving the Hostage upgrade Disengage on turn 1, but this also future proofs a strong melee unit that gets both Infiltrate and Scout X.