Working on this one first. Haven't worked on it too long, looking for some input
Working on this one first. Haven't worked on it too long, looking for some input
I'm not sure I understand the hero ability. Surge abilities like "S: Pierce 1" can normally be used an unlimited number of times (if you have enough surges), so saying she can gain the ability once per attack doesn't make much sense - she wouldn't need to gain it more than once, anyway.
Also, one surge for Pierce 1 is...pretty bad. That's strictly worse than one surge for +1 damage, which is available on most copper weapons (especially melee) and even some shop weapons. Even with a weapon that charges 2 or 3 surges for +1 damage, you'd likely be better off spending those 2 fatigue to buy 2 more power dice. If you removed the fatigue cost entirely, it would still only be a minor advantage at shop level, and become useless pretty quickly after the first chest.
So unless I'm misunderstanding something, the value of that ability is very close to zero.
Her stats look vaguely reasonable for a hero with a weak-to-middling ability, though. She's got lower defenses than most 2-conquest heroes, and loses a lot if she tries to wear heavy armor (due to 6 in speed), so she's likely to be the easiest kill in the party, but I'm not sure she's unplayably squishy. She's certainly a very fast runner.
Under my hero editor , she costs 334 BP before the ability, leaving 26 BP before exceeding the usual cap of 360. That's enough for Grey Ker's ability, or Silhouette's, or Tetherys'...nothing earth-shattering, but enough to care about. If you do something about her ability, I'd say she's fair.
I'm thinking that he means the player spends 2 fatigue in order to allow one or as many of his surges thrown for the said attack to become +Pierce 1.
Example: Spends 2 fatigue upon declaring an attack. Rolls 4 surges from the attack roll. This becomes a Pierce 4 attack.
Anywaez, my own view is that anyone with movement 6 and fatigue 5 is almost godlike, being able to run a full 21 spaces using all his fatigue and 1 vitality potion...
Wanderer999 said:
Anywaez, my own view is that anyone with movement 6 and fatigue 5 is almost godlike, being able to run a full 21 spaces using all his fatigue and 1 vitality potion...
Yeah, and the fastest official hero can only move 19 spaces! Unless they have skills and/or feats related to movement, in which case they could maybe move up to 34 spaces. Before adding in combos where other heroes help them out with Telekinesis, Knockback, etc. And of course I'm ignoring unlimited-range teleportation abilities like Runemaster Thorn, Shadow Soul, etc., as well as the fatigue upgrades available in the advanced campaign...
So even the most casual of observers can see that moving 21 is clearly game-breaking and cannot possibly be balanced out by any sort of disadvantage.
And if that isn't clear to you, you're clearly just not being casual enough.
Thanks for the input. I knocked down the movement and decided to scrap the pierce ability since it didn't really fit my idea for the character anyway. It's meant more to be a fast sneak type melee hero but not too tanky. I wasn't sure whether to bump her up to a 3 because of the change of abilities.
should say "gain stun" not a stun
sagus said:
should say "gain stun" not a stun
LOL! Spend 2 fatigue and get stunned. True, true... sometimes u spend too much fatigue and u tire from it, gaining urself a stun.
No I meant, to have her attacks gain stun. Wouldn't let me edit the post to fix that.