What Paint Should I buy?

By CinnaWolf, in Painting

Im very new tp painting.
I currently have:

- grey seer spray primer

- army painter: Matt black, Matt white, dark tone, necromancer cloak, uniform grey, and gun metal

- Citadel paints: ulthuan grey, tau light ochre, apothecary white, and jokaero orange

I used those paints to do my storm troopers. I'm assuming I can just reuse them for scout troopers

However I need to now paint my: (* next to priority minis)

Shore-troopers (plus mortars)**
Royal Guards**
Z-75 Speeder Bikes
Darth Vader
Emperor Palpsssss
Iden Versio
Priority Supplies terrain*
Downed AT-ST terrain*

obviously I can't get these all, but I'm focusing mainly on ones marked with **, and then those marked with *.
My budget is $70, but that also will be used for new brushes.
Halp meeeeee??

Edited by CinnaWolf

So Royal Guards are pretty straightforward. If you're trying to match film/canon colors, I'd go with a nice bright red, either a slightly darker red, or your bright red mixed with a small amount of black or dark brown, then a light gray for the weapon. I use Army Painter pants, so color names I'd suggest would be:

  • Pure Red
  • Vampire Red
  • Matte Black
  • Uniform Gray or Ash Gray
  • Maybe the Red Tone wash also
  • A brush-on gloss varnish would probably be good too, because their helmets are rather shiny.

Luckily, you've already got the Matte Black and the Uniform Gray

Here's my 2 squads of Royal Guards, I didn't really stick to the canon colors, and made both units different to easily identify specific units:

You can also see Papa Palps in this photo. For his robe, I took my darkest blue I had, and added some black to push it even darker. His skin was the palest flesh-like color I could find, I think it was Mummy Bandage. I then mixed a dark purple with black to do the belt, and a lighter wood color for his walking stick.

Shoretroopers, you'll want to go with a nice sandy tan color for the bulk of the armor, and a more brownish color for the pants. You'll also want to use some white, and a green, blue, or red for the little pops of color on their armor. Here's a photo of my 3 squads of Shoretroopers. I changed the accent armor colors to distinguish individual squads. Unfortunately, I'm not sure which colors I used for the tan and brown, and there was a custom-mixed color for the light tan on the helmet which was the armor tan plus white.


Vader is easy to at least get basecoated. I'm not too good at doing highlights on all black models, so someone else might need to chime in on that front. Vader is mostly going to be matte black, VERY dark red for the eyes, brush on matte varnish for the helmet, Pure Red for the lightsaber and some of the controls on his chest and belt, metallic silver (I used Plate Mail Metal) for the chain on his cloak, and some of his chest/belt parts, a bright blue and bright green for some of his chest/belt parts. Personally speaking, the Operative Vader is by far my favorite of the 2 Vader sculpts.


29 minutes ago, oreet said:

This is a freaking life saver thank you!!!!!! Do you know any brushes I should get? I currently only have 1, and it's small enough for some details but really small things get a little messy)
Will grey seer primer work for the red guards and shores?

Also any tips for painting actual faces like palps other than his skin tone?

Edited by CinnaWolf

So I personally use white primer for my miniatures, but Grey Seer is a nice light gray color, so it should give you a good base to build your colors on. I used to use Army Painter's Matte White Primer, but recently I've just started using this, which is MUCH cheaper, and seems to work just as well for me:

Other than drybrushing, or painting terrain, my primary 2 brushes I use are Army Painter's Wargamer: Regiment brush, and Wargamer: Insane Detail. For other things like drybrushing, I just use older/larger brushes that have bent/damaged bristles.

I've never been good at really tiny details like faces, so I tend to compensate by just hitting it with a wash to darken the sunken parts, so hopefully someone else can chime in with that.

I looked through my paints, and I believe I used Leather Brown for the pants, and either Skeleton Bone or Banshee Brown for the bulk of the armor. Either Skeleton Bone or Banshee Brown should work for their armor.

26 minutes ago, oreet said:

So I personally use white primer for my miniatures, but Grey Seer is a nice light gray color, so it should give you a good base to build your colors on. I used to use Army Painter's Matte White Primer, but recently I've just started using this, which is MUCH cheaper, and seems to work just as well for me:

Other than drybrushing, or painting terrain, my primary 2 brushes I use are Army Painter's Wargamer: Regiment brush, and Wargamer: Insane Detail. For other things like drybrushing, I just use older/larger brushes that have bent/damaged bristles.

I've never been good at really tiny details like faces, so I tend to compensate by just hitting it with a wash to darken the sunken parts, so hopefully someone else can chime in with that.

I looked through my paints, and I believe I used Leather Brown for the pants, and either Skeleton Bone or Banshee Brown for the bulk of the armor. Either Skeleton Bone or Banshee Brown should work for their armor.

Thank you again. You’re awesome

I haven't finished it yet (just bought my paint yesterday), but my thought was to play around with a mixed selection of matte and gloss finish paints for different parts of each model. Vader for example; my plan is to use the gloss finish black on his armored areas like the helmet and chest plating and use the matte on the areas that are cloth like his cape. I would like doing something similar with the Crimson Guard, giving them a nice glossy red helmet, but a matte cloth finish to other parts.

I have mostly used Citadel paints in the past (lil expensive but very good) but I have purchased a few Vallejo paints to try out this round.