With new releases comes a renewed tank list. Still focusing on using the tank doing all the heavy lifting but now supported by arc trooper snipers. Aayla to keep the phase 1's in line and basic phase 1's to get to 10 activations. Any thoughts on changes that could be made to make it better?
--Aggressive Tactics (10), Recon Intel (2)
R2-D2 (35 + 5 = 40)
--Comms Relay (5)
Phase I Clone Troopers (52 + 25 = 77)
--Z-6 Phase I Trooper (25)
Phase I Clone Troopers (52 + 25 = 77)
--Z-6 Phase I Trooper (25)
Phase I Clone Troopers (52 + 25 = 77)
--Z-6 Phase I Trooper (25)
Phase I Clone Troopers (52 + 25 = 77)
--Z-6 Phase I Trooper (25)
Arc Troopers (Strike Team) (21 + 31 = 52)
--DC-15x ARC Trooper (31)
Arc Troopers (Strike Team) (21 + 31 = 52)
--DC-15x ARC Trooper (31)
Arc Troopers (Strike Team) (21 + 31 = 52)
--DC-15x ARC Trooper (31)
TX-130 Saber-Class Fighter Tank (170 + 24 = 194)
--Aayla Secura (5), TX-130 Twin Laser Turret (14), Linked Targeting Array (5)
Blast Off! (1), Call Me Captain (1), Push (2), Take That, Clankers! (2), Assault (3), Were Not Programmed (3), Standing Orders (4)
Deployments: Roll Out, Hemmed In, The Long March, Major Offensive
Objectives: Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators
Conditions: Hostile Environment, War Weary, Supply Drop, Clear Conditions