How to create NPCs

By Ivanaikos_Magno, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game


Soon I will began my first campaing in the word of Rokugan, but I really think that the NPCs presents in the base book are limited and a little generic. For my surprise I didn't find a supplement or a site with more ennemies and adversaries. Create new NPCs don't bug me, but the rules books never explains how to do it. Can someone help me?

I'd offer two suggestions - first, look at the NPC templates - warrior, trickster, etc.

They allow you to take an NPC archetype, add a few ranks of skills and rings and suggest changes to demeanours and additional techniques (kata, shuji, etc) to give them the appropriate feel.

In addition, if you're looking for suggestions on other NPC-specific special rules, I suggest looking through the sourcebooks if you have them, or if not through the various free DLC adventures. Plagiarise one of the NPC abilities in there

In The Palace of the Emerald Champion -

The Highwayman -

Deathly Turns -

Cresting Waves -

The Knotted Tails -

The Scroll or the Blade -

(Yes, I know I skipped 'Wedding at Kyotei' - that's because it was a pre-release and all the characters are their respective standard NPC archetypes)

What sort of NPC(s) are you trying to create?

Hopefully Edge will produce an NPC splat like Allies & Adversaries or even just a guidance pdf. It would really help tbh. I just lift a generic from A&A and give it a name.. Hey Presto! Reocccuring NPC, just Like Hondo :D I've even used named NPCs and changed the name and/or sex... easy peezy

I haven't ever bought one yet, but if they did an L5R adversary deck (or technique cards) I'd genuinely be interested. Don't know if EDGE will pursue that route though.

The star wars equivalents are a great asset.

Thanks for the advices, my idea was of create adversaries more interessants for combats, and adapt some characthers from the card game as NPCs

There's the Enemies of the Empire by AEG... i suppose the monster write up would be a good start... a quick start giuide could be for basic minions i was thinking 3, 2, 2, 1, 1and assign to rings of choice,,, then 2 2 , 1, 1, 1 to skills of choice... dunno, tbh I'm still plouging through the core rule book.. just an idea based off PC gen

For bigger or stronger 4,3, 2, 1, 1 for rings etc...I could quickly make up a Star Wars npc before A&A came out