I think I am getting rid of it all this time. I just own 4 Star Wars infantry games and I'm thinking maybe 2 or 3 is enough. If I really want to play again I'll use my opponents dice & rulers and proxy one oe my many other model Star Wars armies in "close enough" scale. I've got to offload:
- 2 x Tauntauns
- 1 x Atgar
- 2x Vets with MKII blaster
- 1x Pathfinders
- 1x Wookies
- 1x Snowspeeder
- Luke
- Chewbacca
- Rebel Operatives
- Imperial Operatives
- Darth Vader
- Veers
- Boba Fett
- 3x Snowtroopers
- 3x Stormtroopers
- 1x AT-ST
- 1x E-Web
- 1x Speeder Bikes
I've also got some unpainted stuff. Jyn Erso, Bossk, a core set or two's worth of rebels, and (Primed) Tauntauns.
If I sell Imperial Assault too, you guys will be the first to know. That Rancor's gonna be tough to part with though!