Wave II Heroes

By Duciris, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game



mc12en_scott-lang.png mc12en_ant-man-tiny.png mc12en_ant-man-giant.png


mc12en_resize.png mc12en_pym-particles.png mc12en_ant-mans-helmet.png mc12en_wrist-gauntlets.png

I like that his hero actions/responses are dependent upon which hero form he is in. He and the Wasp should offer increased complexity and strategy with greater rewards.

Apparently coming with Leadership. You can include his own ally cards in his deck as they are the other men who bore his mantel (Hank Pym & Raz Malhotra):

mc12en_ant-man-ally.png mc12en_giant-man.png mc12en_stinger.png mc12en_reinforced-suit.png mc12en_team-building-exercise.png

They are doubling down on the ally build with their second Leadership focused release. Ant-Man (Hank Pym) Stinger are going to be a very easy includes, the former costing however many hit points you want (up to 4) and the latter (1-cost) not counting against your limit of heroes.

Reinforced Suit makes Inspired more appealing, and along side Honorary Avenger can make a given ally's staying power significant. It also makes the ally Iron Man's ability more impactful, increasing his likeliness to see play.

01074.png 03025.png 09039.jpg

I'm wondering if Moxie isn't something to the effect of, " Hero Response: Exhaust your hero to give each of your allies +1 ATK & +1 DEF until the end of the round."

I think Moment of Triumph is, " Hero Response: After you attack and defeat an enemy, heal 1 damage from your hero for each point of excess damage dealt by this attack." It should pair well with Rocket. Not sure why it isn't an interrupt, however, assuming I'm right.

I don't mind the 3-sided card, but my cohorts are hoping for promo versions of Ant-Man and Wasp's giant forms so they can just sleeve them without detriment to play.

Edited by Duciris

Now if only they would do the video reveal...

22 minutes ago, maniakmedic said:

Now if only they would do the video reveal...

I mean, they did... ☺️

But here's to their next livestream (which I would think would pertain Red Skull first).

Edited by Duciris

I don’t think that can be the effect of Moxie... allies don’t have defence...

I imagine it I will be something more like “exhaust any number of allies - add +1 defence for each ally exhausted” or something like that...

Some really exciting stuff coming for Leadership and I’m really excited to play some Ant Man - I love the look of his form changing play style!

2 hours ago, Duciris said:

I mean, they did... ☺️

Not really. Evan said they were still going to do the normal reveals.

1 minute ago, maniakmedic said:

Not really. Evan said they were still going to do the normal reveals.

And I'm really looking forward to each of them. ☺️

I'm just realizing how powerful Team-Building Exercise is. I realize you can only use 1 of them per card played, but as every hero to date and most of the allies so far (in Leadership) all have the trait Avenger ...

I guess it's not that powerful because they're not "reduce the next card..." so they can't be stacked, and no event shares traits with a hero yet, but still.

This card is going to be huge in Thor decks where half his cards (including Mjolnir) have Asgard , as do both sides of his hero card. He can use this to drop every one of his non-event signature cards into play, plus Valkyrie, Jarnbjorn, & Heimdall. I mean Mjolnir only costs 1 resource. Odinson & Hammer Throw (from play) already bounce it back into your hand, now this bounces it into play (and you can have 3 of them)!


Edited by Duciris

I can definitely see a lot of value in Team-Building Exercise. Avenger traits include Quincarrier, Quinjet, and Avenger's Mansion, and you can even get some cheeky Spy traits with Black Widow to play cheaper Mockingbird or Nick Fury (and a couple of things in different aspects). If you can slam just one of these early you can find a lot of value out of it if you build for it.

Edited by Crabhand
5 hours ago, Duciris said:

Raz Malhotra

The article says he gets stronger after taking damage, but the card says “while he has 3 or more remaining hit points”. My guess is the card text is right and the article previewed it incorrectly.

26 minutes ago, smickletz said:

The article says he gets stronger after taking damage, but the card says “while he has 3 or more remaining hit points”. My guess is the card text is right and the article previewed it incorrectly.

I know, those were my thoughts exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that that was weird. 😂

53 minutes ago, smickletz said:

The article says he gets stronger after taking damage, but the card says “while he has 3 or more remaining hit points”. My guess is the card text is right and the article previewed it incorrectly.

He is going to be so incredibly strong with all the plus health cards.

these are my speculations for ant-mans cards

1- giant stomp

2- giant stomp

3- giant stomp but for thwarting and when he's tiny{hive mind}

4- giant stomp but for thwarting and when he's tiny{hive mind}

5- resize

6- resize

7- pym particles

8- pym particles

9-11 swarm of ants?

12- helmet

13- support like his apartment or something

14- ally? or maybe second gauntlet

15- wrist gauntlets

Edited by alex1226
updated info
5 hours ago, Duciris said:

This card is going to be huge in Thor decks where half his cards (including Mjolnir) have Asgard , as do both sides of his hero card. He can use this to drop every one of his non-event signature cards into play, plus Valkyrie, Jarnbjorn, & Heimdall. I mean Mjolnir only costs 1 resource. Odinson & Hammer Throw (from play) already bounce it back into your hand, now this bounces it into play (and you can have 3 of them)!

I can't wait for Thor to bond further with Mjolnir thanks to TBE. I kind of like how TBE doesn't stack with other copies of itself since that means I'll be less-inclined to use all three physical copies in one deck. Tricky part will be figuring out which two decks besides Thor will get a copy!

I have to admit that I'm very surprised Ant-Man ended up as the Leadership roll. I'll admit that I've read very little with Scott Lang in it but he never came across as a leader.

My original guess for the characters would be Ant-Man as Justice, Scarlet Witch as Leadership, Quicksilver as Aggression, and Wasp as Protection.

Wasp got Protection because I've never heard of this version of the character before. Never read much Avengers.

4 hours ago, alex1226 said:

these are my speculations for ant-mans cards

1- giant stomp

2- giant stomp

3- giant stomp but for thwarting and when he's tiny

4- giant stomp but for thwarting and when he's tiny

5- resize

6- resize

7- pym particles

8- pym particles

9-11 a three of event

12- helmet

13- support like his apartment or something

14- ally? or maybe second gauntlet

15- wrist gauntlets

Doesn't the ally always take the first spot for every hero? Not that the order of your list really matters.

Overall it seems like a good guess.

18 minutes ago, TechnoGolem said:

Doesn't the ally always take the first spot for every hero? Not that the order of your list really matters.

Overall it seems like a good guess.

That use to be the norm, but since Hulk we haven't seen a normal ally placement. Hulk didn't have an ally, and Mockingbird in Hawkeye's deck was number three. The giant stomp they showed was in the article was number 1, so he definitely also has a different ally placement.

Sorry, just as I submitted this reply, I remembered Captain Marvel in Spider Woman's deck is number one. 😂

But the rest of the other hero's definitely don't have 'normal' ally placement.

Edited by Venompuppy
3 minutes ago, Venompuppy said:

That use to be the norm, but since Hulk we haven't seen a normal ally placement. Hulk didn't have an ally, and Mockingbird in Hawkeye's deck was number three. The giant stomp they showed was in the article was number 1, so he definitely also has a different ally placement.

Sorry, just as I submitted this reply, I remembered Captain Marvel in Spider Woman's deck is number one. 😂

But the rest of the other hero's definitely don't have 'normal' ally placement.

Holy crap, I've got all of my facts screwed up! Giant stomp doesn't even show it's number, oops. I seriously should just stop talking sometimes. 😂

13 hours ago, maniakmedic said:

On the spreadsheet below it shows two cards as being Swarm of Ants, but I haven't been able to figure out where that info came from.


The Swarm of Ants is speculation based on the partial text we can see from Hive Mind. The [comments] are my guesses


Play only [if you are in Tiny hero form]

Hero Ac [ tion (thwart): Remove ??? threat]

from a s [cheme. Remove ??]

threat fr [om each scheme for each Swarm]

of Ants [in play.]

The fact that "Ants" is capitalised strongly implies to me that it is part of a card mechanic somehow, and Swarm of Ants just seems the easiest.

ETA: By the by, assuming that there's an ally there's two slots for events, and two events partially shown, hence how I have put Giant Stomp and Hive Mind where they are.

Edited by Tonbo Karasu
5 hours ago, TechnoGolem said:

I have to admit that I'm very surprised Ant-Man ended up as the Leadership roll. I'll admit that I've read very little with Scott Lang in it but he never came across as a leader.

My original guess for the characters would be Ant-Man as Justice, Scarlet Witch as Leadership, Quicksilver as Aggression, and Wasp as Protection.

Wasp got Protection because I've never heard of this version of the character before. Never read much Avengers.

I think it makes sense in context - all of the allies he's leading are characters related to him, rather than unrelated characters. So it's more 'Here's Scott and his related characters' rather than 'Here's Scott leading the Avengers'. (Course, it would have made even more sense if it was Hank......or Janet for that matter)

Anyway...so Giant Stomp. This just completely ****s on comparable cards, right? Like She-Hulk is over there in the corner crying over how bad Ground Stomp is compared to this. Granted, it's not necessarily a bad thing - there's always going to be some power issues with a new game - but I think it'll be interesting to see whether there's going to be power level differences with the new heroes, and what that means for the Core/Wave 1 heroes.

16 minutes ago, Abyss said:

I think it makes sense in context - all of the allies he's leading are characters related to him, rather than unrelated characters. So it's more 'Here's Scott and his related characters' rather than 'Here's Scott leading the Avengers'. (Course, it would have made even more sense if it was Hank......or Janet for that matter)

Anyway...so Giant Stomp. This just completely ****s on comparable cards, right? Like She-Hulk is over there in the corner crying over how bad Ground Stomp is compared to this. Granted, it's not necessarily a bad thing - there's always going to be some power issues with a new game - but I think it'll be interesting to see whether there's going to be power level differences with the new heroes, and what that means for the Core/Wave 1 heroes.

They’re quite different cards though... 3 cost is higher than 2 cost, it’s an Attack (so stopped by Stun), and it requires you to be in Giant form...

That said, Ground Stomp is generally regarded as a pretty poor card against anything that isn’t Ultron, so using it as a bar to judge new characters against isn’t particularly telling in my view...

Something else to keep in mind about Reinforced Suit - it’s a tech card, so actually helps Hero Iron Man as well (and based on the ruling for who controls Inspired if you play it on another player’s ally, it will increase his hand size if another player plays it on one of his allies).

3 hours ago, FearLord said:

They’re quite different cards though... 3 cost is higher than 2 cost, it’s an Attack (so stopped by Stun), and it requires you to be in Giant form...

That said, Ground Stomp is generally regarded as a pretty poor card against anything that isn’t Ultron, so using it as a bar to judge new characters against isn’t particularly telling in my view...

In the Core, they valued 'Deal 1 damage to all enemies' at 2' and 'Deal 8 damage' at 3. Now, they're valuing 'Deal 1 damage to all enemies, plus an extra 7 damage with a very minor requirement' at 3. It's more directly comparable to Spinning Web Kick, but the power difference is more pronounced compared to Ground Stomp.

My understanding is that the first cycle of cards is usually designed along the Core Set, so this might be the first time we're seeing them adjust card balance after release (granted they haven't quite done the usual cycle, but I'd assume everything up to Hulk was designed straight up). So it's more just highlighting that there's possibly been a revision of how they cost stuff, and that this batch of heroes may end up being different in that regard compared to the earlier heroes (whether that's straight power creep, or just a rebalancing of characters).

6 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

The Swarm of Ants is speculation based on the partial text we can see from Hive Mind. The [comments] are my guesses

The fact that "Ants" is capitalised strongly implies to me that it is part of a card mechanic somehow, and Swarm of Ants just seems the easiest.

ETA: By the by, assuming that there's an ally there's two slots for events, and two events partially shown, hence how I have put Giant Stomp and Hive Mind where they are.

Fair enough. You have WAY more patience than I do figuring out what cards go where in the list and how that affects the probabilities/possibilities of other cards and their amounts and placement in the number order. It is much appreciated!

1 hour ago, Abyss said:

In the Core, they valued 'Deal 1 damage to all enemies' at 2' and 'Deal 8 damage' at 3. Now, they're valuing 'Deal 1 damage to all enemies, plus an extra 7 damage with a very minor requirement' at 3. It's more directly comparable to Spinning Web Kick, but the power difference is more pronounced compared to Ground Stomp.

It's 1 damage to all minions.

Also interesting, Scott Lang has a hand-size of 6, "Tiny" has 5, while "Giant" has 4. After playing Hulk, a hand-size of 4 ratchets up the difficulty to play cost 3 cards - baseline, it's your whole hand.

Nadia Van Dyne has 6, 5, & 5.

Edited by Duciris