I like that his hero actions/responses are dependent upon which hero form he is in. He and the Wasp should offer increased complexity and strategy with greater rewards.
Apparently coming with Leadership. You can include his own ally cards in his deck as they are the other men who bore his mantel (Hank Pym & Raz Malhotra):
They are doubling down on the ally build with their second Leadership focused release. Ant-Man (Hank Pym) Stinger are going to be a very easy includes, the former costing however many hit points you want (up to 4) and the latter (1-cost) not counting against your limit of heroes.
Reinforced Suit makes Inspired more appealing, and along side Honorary Avenger can make a given ally's staying power significant. It also makes the ally Iron Man's ability more impactful, increasing his likeliness to see play.
I'm wondering if Moxie isn't something to the effect of, " Hero Response: Exhaust your hero to give each of your allies +1 ATK & +1 DEF until the end of the round."
I think Moment of Triumph is, " Hero Response: After you attack and defeat an enemy, heal 1 damage from your hero for each point of excess damage dealt by this attack." It should pair well with Rocket. Not sure why it isn't an interrupt, however, assuming I'm right.
I don't mind the 3-sided card, but my cohorts are hoping for promo versions of Ant-Man and Wasp's giant forms so they can just sleeve them without detriment to play.
Edited by Duciris