just found, that this talent has different description in AoR Core Book and EotE Dangerous Covenants. Which one is correct?
When using weapons with the Blast quality or explosive devices, the character may spend advanage to exclude one target that would normally be affected by the explosion. Multiple targets may be excluded in this manner, but the total number may not exceed his ranks in Selective Detonation. The character may also spend triumph to exclude multiple targets, as long as the total number of targets excluded does not exceed his ranks in Selective Detonation.
Dangerous Covenants:
When using any weapon with the Blast quality or explosive device, the character may spend advantage or triumph to exclude one target that would normally be affected by the explosion. Multiple targets may be excluded in this manner, but the total number may not exceed his ranks in Selective Detonation.
Edited by BlackburnUTG