Imperial Gift...

By ExpandingUniverse, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

While DIY/tidyingup/Clearingthegarage/ElectrocutingmyselfwiththeUKNationalGrid (yes, really!) I discoverd IG 1 - which I had completly forgotten about, still wrapped in cellophane. So I pop onto Tinterweb and researched it. Long story short found IG 2 & 3 at reasonable prices.

So... to the AEG L5R players (if there's any on these forums) can you cobble together 2 decent decks to play against each other with IG 1+2+3? I have two Imperial Edition Starters - Phoenix & Dragon and two Drums of War Starters, IIRC as I'm AFL/A (Away From Loft/Attic) and a few boosters to pad them out.

If not, I'll just get a decent ringbinder and keep them safe instead :D

Edited by ExpandingUniverse

I don't think you can built anything solid from complet of Imperial Gifts. They were made free for local FLGS players where you could get them eg for participating in tourney or buying other L5R products. Also, IG1 along with Glory of the Empire released same month, introduced new cards' layout. Some of IG cards became really good for whole Celestial Edition, some even got banned from tournaments like Lost Traveller Castle from IG2, but overall they were just mixed bag without any internal synergy.

Mixing cards from different editions, especially so distant (Imperial 1995, Lotus 2005 and Celestial 2009) is in my opinion not good idea unless you are experienced player.

You can check all IG cars in Oracle of the Void

Cheers.. tbh I thought as much.


....while searching various L5R card game stuff a 'suggested' option popped up under the 'Shopping' tab in Google which looked to good to be true.. IT WASN'T!!

I've already ordered some stuff before seeing it. I'll gift my previous 'still wrapped in cellophane Core' to a mate of mine instead who's out of work due to Covid. I could keep it to have two Core but for casual play I don't see the point.. Besides, it will probably cheer him up a little :D

I don't know how may bundles they have, go here to see: