Champion's Choice

By vmoss, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

1. Which upcoming hero are you looking forward to more? Hawkeye or Spider Woman

2. In a game today, I drew caught off guard early in the game. Which would you rather discard? Mark V Armor (cost of 3) or Arc Reactor (2).

My choices:

Spider Woman


Thank you.

I think I’ll play Hawkeye first, although Spider-Woman seems like she’ll be the more powerful hero.

Edit: Assuming it won’t kill you, I’d discard the armor.

Edited by Derrault

They’re both exciting to me, and I expect my first play with the box will just be running through a standard campaign 2 handed with both of their pre made decks...

I’d definitely ditch the armour, so long as I had the health to spare...

Hawkeye, for thematic reasons, he has always been a favourite of mine.

The armor would have to go, the arc reactor is so key.

Played quite a bit this weekend of the fun new expansions solo.

Your favorites so far?

a) hero (spiderwoman or hawkeye)

b) villian

c) new cards

a) Spiderwoman (seems a lot more powerful (level of the captains))

b) not sure yet

c) two strong new cards (pheromones and earth's mightiest heroes)

Thank you.

A) I'll say Hawkeye (because he's the character I'm using in the campaign), but I know Spider-Woman is going to be great.

B) Zola was fun. Maybe not as tough as Mutagen Formula but less to keep up with than Ultron.

C) Clear the Area and Team Training

Edited by HirumaShigure

A) It's such a hard call. Hawkeye brings some fun stuff to the table but I love the ability to dual-spec Spiderwoman and I think of those two she will become my favorite.

B) I'm still pretty early into the game, but I did bust out the Green Goblin pack over the weekend and take him up against my solo Hulk aggression deck. I ultimately didn't win but I love the theme of the Norman Osbourne/Green Goblin mechanic and I would say he's my favorite villain so far. We'll see how that changes once I get to RoRK.

C) Clear the Area and the new Kate Bishop Hawkeye ally. Great stuff!

Edited by TheSpitfired

A) I haven't played with Spider-Woman yet, but I really dig Hawkeye's play style.

B) I really enjoyed the Taskmaster scenario. Red Skull was pretty fun, too. I ran through the campaign with a Leadership Cap deck.

C) War Machine (basic) and Black Knight