The 1 B1 just feeds Commands and Aims to 2 of the Strike teams and readies every turn. 1 command from Dooku Powers the rest with chaining, and on the turn where my chain was down with Dookus 1 PIP those T series really did help. Was kind of confused when they didn't give the T series +1 Command for the unit, but with the 3 things he does add i would say is worth it, even if he is pricey.
B1 Battle Droids (E-5C B1 Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B1 Battle Droids (E-5C B1 Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B1 Battle Droids (E-5C B1 Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B1 Battle Droids (E-5C B1 Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B1 Battle Droids (E-5C B1 Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B1 Battle Droids (HQ Uplink, Electrobinoculars)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (Strike Team) (BX-Series Droid Sniper)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (Strike Team) (BX-Series Droid Sniper)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (Strike Team) (BX-Series Droid Sniper)
Ambush (1), Fear, Surprise, Intimidation (1), Push (2), Double the Fall (2), Assault (3), You Disappoint Me (3), Standing Orders (4)
Deployments: Battle Lines, Advanced Positions, Danger Close, Hemmed In
Objectives: Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Key Positions, Intercept the Transmissions, Breakthrough
Conditions: Fortified Positions, Clear Conditions, Minefield, Hostile Environment