Vod Batrep: Resistance (quad T-70) vs Scum

By MasterShake2, in X-Wing Battle Reports

First X-Wing stream. Overall fun game. I make a big gamble around turn 3 on my opponent's intentions and setup and try to catch him in rotation i.e. before he's ready for a fight. See how it turns out!

Nice! Would you mind sharing more details about your quad T-70 list? I'm a n00b just starting out and I think I want to try quad 70s as my first squad and am haunting the 'net looking for tips and insights. Many thanks! :D

5 minutes ago, Spinland said:

Nice! Would you mind sharing more details about your quad T-70 list? I'm a n00b just starting out and I think I want to try quad 70s as my first squad and am haunting the 'net looking for tips and insights. Many thanks! :D

It's pretty straightforward

Ello Asty (55)
Heroic (1)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 56 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 4

Jessika Pava (51)
BB Astromech (3)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 54 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 4

Red Squadron Expert (44)
Heroic (1)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 45 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 4

Red Squadron Expert (44)
Heroic (1)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 45 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 4

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Resistance&d=v8ZsZ200Z299X172WWW175WWW12Y296X196WW175WWW12Y257X172WWW175WWW12Y257X172WWW175WWW12&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

Thanks! :)