While I absolutely loved the core idea of Runebound, and there certainly are elements that I really like, the game itself never really fully clicked with me or my gaming group so it never saw much table time. And while it didn't fully fix the game, the Unbreakable Bonds expansion took it a few steps in the right direction, and is certainly a worthwhile addition to the core game.
I don't have much experience as a miniature painter, and after fumbling around a little bit with X-Wing and War of the Ring recently (and Imperial Assault a few years back), I decided to freshen up my copy of Runebound and the expansion a little bit and see if I can get it to the table a few more times before it gets relegated to the attic. It is only a handful of minis and is a nice little project that I can actually get finished in a reasonable time and also have room to experiment a little bit as I go along.
Early work in progress:
I have a decent amount of miniature paints (mostly Vallejo), but I got curious, so I picked up a set of cheap generic acrylic paint... and holy crappy pigments was that stuff bad. It is basically some gloop that someone has waved some pigments at. While I could get the blues, greens and browns to sort of work (I used Vallejo Oily Steel for the metallic), it was very hard to work with, and the yellows, orange and reds were basically useless, and overall not worth the savings.
Played around a little with a monochrome look, but it is not something I want to do for this project. I also picked up the dragon from Battlelore as a stand in for Margath, and a couple of old DnD minis that I will add to the game as well. Also note to self: do NOT use an almost empty rattlecan when priming minis. Luckily it looks a lot worse than it actually is 🥴