Fridge Magnets from cards (how-to)

By QQMoore, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Do you have extra X-wing cards? Of course you do! Rather than letting them languish in cardboard boxes, why not turn them into something useful?


Hold up your game store receipts, unpaid bills, and more with an X-Wing fridge magnet!

You'll need:

  • A fridge magnet , the thin kind. Sometimes businesses or realtors will give these away as advertising.
  • An X-Wing card that you have extras of. Choose one with a nice pattern; the back of pilot cards or 1st edition reference cards are good choices.
  • Glue stick . Way less messy than liquid glue, although that will work too.
  • Sandpaper (optional).


Let's get to crafting!

Step 1 : Peel the top layer of paper off the magnet. Don't worry about getting it smooth, just remove all the shiny printed stuff.


Step 2 ( Optional ): Scuff the side of the card you're going to glue down, then wipe off any dust. This will make the card stick to the magnet better.


Sorry, "Odd Ball".


Step 3 : Glue the card to the magnet. Try to line up one corner of the card with one corner of the magnet.


Step 4 : Press it under something heavy until the glue dries.


Step 5 : Using a sharp knife or scissors, carefully cut off the excess magnet.


That's it! Thanks for reading, and happy crafting.

But I was going to use my Oddball! /s
