Tauntauns or Mandalorians... or both?

By realsoupersand, in Army Building

Now that Mandalorians have been (almost) fully revealed for Rebels, I'm torn between my lovable space llama-lizards or those wonderful red saves and jetpacks... or both! What do you all think about our rather rebellious jetpackineers? How do they compare to Tauntauns? Ignoring the costs, if you can only choose 2 units of one, would you go for Mandalorians or Tauntauns? If you run Mandalorians, would you run both Clan Wren and Mandalorian Resistance, two of one of those, or just one? I'm extremely curious and excited about them, but I'm just not sure how good they actually are.

I have 3 Rebel list ideas I'm working with, all with 10 activations. I don't go lower than 10. I put them all in the comments so I don't clog up too much space on this post. The first one is my current list, which is Cassian + Op Luke + Tauntauns. The other two use Mandalorians, and one also fields 2 Tauntauns at the cost of courage. Missing out on Op Luke hurts, but maybe Mandos and Sabine make up for it?

Please help me make my mind up about how good Mandalorians are and if they're worth picking up or if I should ignore them.

List 1: 790 points, 10 activations

Cassian Andor (112): Hunter, Offensive Push, Recon Intel, A280-CFE Sniper Config (Loadout: Endurance, Overwatch, A280-CFE Pistol Config)

Luke Skywalker (Operative, 229): Force Push, Force Reflexes, Jedi Mind Trick, Tenacity

R2-D2 (35)

3x Rebel Troopers (40 each)

2x Rebel Commandos (48 each): DH-447 Sniper

2x Tauntaun Riders (99 each): Tenacity, Comms Jammer

I feel like this list really wants 3P0 to try to distract something away from Luke, but it's hard to find the points. I could drop the Jammers on the Tauntauns and Offensive Push on Cassian to add 3P0 and only go up to 791 points.

Edited by realsoupersand

List 2: 791 points, 10 activations

Rebel Officer (50)

R2-D2 (50): C-3P0

Sabine Wren (143): Endurance, Personal Combat Shield, Recon Intel

3x Rebel Troopers (40 each)

Clan Wren (120): Tristan Wren, Ursa Wren, Recon Intel, Jetpack Rockets

Mandalorian Resistance (110): Beskad Duelist, Recon Intel, Jetpack Rockets

2x Tauntaun Riders (99): Tenacity, Comms Jammer

It feels weird to not have a sniper unit. I have another version of this list that drops Mandalorian Resistance for 2 Snipers and has some extra points to throw around on upgrades. Maybe that's the way to go?

Edited by realsoupersand

List 3: 794 points, 10 activations

Jyn Erso (112): Situational Awareness, A-180 Rifle Config

Cassian Andor (112): Hunter, Offensive Push, Recon Intel, A280-CFE Sniper Config (Loadout: Endurance, Overwatch, A280-CFE Pistol Config)

Sabine Wren (143): Endurance, Personal Combat Shield

R2-D2 (35)

3x Rebel Troopers (40 each)

Clan Wren (118): Tristan Wren, Ursa Wren, Jetpack Rockets

Mandalorian Resistance (108): Beskad Duelist, Jetpack Rockets

Rebel Commandos (48): DH-447 Sniper

I suppose Leia could replace Jyn in this list to free up 22 points if I don't put a command upgrade on her. Her 2-pip definitely benefits Cassian and I could throw Electrobinoculars on her to support the Commandos, though they're going to just aim and shoot anyway. I'm not entirely sure where I'd put it, though. Going down to the Rebel Officer would free up 62 points, which would be quite nice to have. I could throw Electrobinoculars and Improvised Orders on the Officer, the Darksaber on Sabine, and 3P0 on R2 to go down to 790 and get some desired upgrades, assuming I did my math right. Losing Jyn's courage bubble and useful command cards hurts, though.

Edited by realsoupersand

Have you run Cassian without K-2S0 before?

That may be where you want to start. I don't like playing him that way (he works, because infinite range crits is good) but I don't enjoy that style. Team Wren needs Sabine, and they are probably better than the generic mandalorians. Tauntauns have the best of all worlds (Fast, Good Defense when moving, Good Offense when Ramming)

Mandalorians are probably better at pure defense, have ok offense, still move fast (jump is cool) and are maybe a little more versatile for most missions.

I only have a single Cassian list with K2. Cassian has quickly become the Rebel commander I gravitate towards with all of my lists. I've avoided him in most lists because range 2 is just sad, though 5 dice with suppressive is pretty hard to ignore. I have a list based on Infiltrate with K2 running alongside Cassian, but pretty much everything else just uses Cassian as is. I figured I would mostly be playing Cassian as a sniper, so K2's range seems a little less than ideal. Do you think it would be worth cutting out R2 and 1 of the Mandalorian Resistance units in the Jyn + Cassian list I shared (right above your post) for K2 and something else? I guess I'm just not seeing how useful K2 is, though I admit I haven't actually had the chance to play with Cassian at all yet.

Edited by realsoupersand

Cassian is effectively Range 3 with longshot and his RRB pistol. I don't like the sniper not because it's bad (very pricey for 2 B dice Pierce 1) but its not fun to play.

Cassian is the cheapest offensive commander rebels have

K2 is what really makes him a powerhouse defensively and offensively.

Like 5 Aim tokens 3 Dodge tokens.

He doesn't generate tokens as well by himself.

Jyn+Cassian+K2+R2 can really wreck faces becuase of how tough and deadly they are.

But then you can run Sabine with clan ursa.

I'm with you in that i need to try some stuff but haven't got any mandos.

Jyn Cassian K2s0 R2 I've had to stop playing against some lists because it can really be mean

K2 does seem really strong for the point cost, but I hesitate because of the fact that Cassian + Operative Luke seems like such a strong combo and Tauntauns add a lot of punch to the list. In order to keep 10 activations, keep the points relatively low, keep Cassian and Operative Luke, and replace R2 with K2, I have to drop my Tauntauns and replace them with AT-RTs:

Cassian Andor (Hunter, Offensive Push, Recon Intel, A280-CFE Sniper Config/Endurance, Overwatch, A280-CFE Pistol Config)
Luke Skywalker (Operative) (Force Push, Force Reflexes, Jedi Mind Trick, Tenacity)
K-2SO (Comms Jammer, Jyn's SE-14 Blaster)
3x Rebel Troopers
2x Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) (DH-447 Sniper)
2x AT-RT (AT-RT Rotary Blaster)

Son of Skywalker (1), Crack Shot (1), My Ally Is the Force (2), Last Stand (2), Return of the Jedi (3), Volunteer Mission (3), Standing Orders (4)

Deployments: Major Offensive, Advanced Positions, Danger Close, Roll Out
Objectives: Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Recover the Supplies, Key Positions, Intercept the Transmissions
Conditions: Rapid Reinforcements, Clear Conditions, Fortified Positions, Supply Drop

The question here is whether moving points around to add K2 is worth dropping Tauntauns. My current Cassian + Luke list has R2 and 2 Tauntauns. This list would swap those 3 for K2 and 2 AT-RTs. What do you think? R2 and Tauntauns or K2 and AT-RTs?


As for Jyn, Cassian, K2, and R2, I'm sure I could come up with a solid list using those that lets me keep my Tauntauns or something. I'm not particularly good with Infiltrate, but honestly, I'm not really good at anything in this game, so...

Edited: http://tabletopadmiral.com/legion/rebel/p1bu2cuacuadu45p39u26u81u3aua5l39u46u48uEMu8ep37u01u83p44u01ua6p06uEMuEMuEMuEMp06uEMuEMuEMuEMp06uEMuEMuEMuEMp0eu2fuEMuEMuEMuEMp0eu2fuEMuEMuEMuEMp23u36u01p23u36u01c49c1ec4fc28c27c51c08o01o02o03o04z01z05z06z04t01t06t07t03

Here's a rough draft of a Rogue One list. I could probably cut the Tauntauns back to RTs and drop a sniper to work a unit of Pathfinders in for additional Infiltrate shenanigans.

Edited by realsoupersand
Adding Jyn list