I thought that Gadgets and Gear has all stuff from SW RPG...

By BlackburnUTG, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


This sourcebook gathers weapons, armor, attachments, and gear from all three Star Wars Roleplaying game lines

But I couldn't find clone armor, dc17 and other Clone Wars stuff

Gathers from all, not gathers all.

It's probably a matter of focusing on equipment from the GCW era, and technically the Clone Wars stuff (with some exceptions) wasn't part of the three lines as it was from an era book, unattached from the three lines.

What P-47 said, along with the simple logistics of page count. The collection books (Allies and Adversaries, Gadgets and Gear, Starships and Speeders) are a sort of “greatest hits” concept. Now, valid arguments (such as Sammy Hagar’s) about greatest hits compilations when a line (or band) is ostensibly still active aside, each of them would probably have to at least double their page count (and price) to include absolutely everything to date.

For clone stuff, look for the Rise of the Separatists and Collapse of the Republic era books.

8 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

What P-47 said, along with the simple logistics of page count. The collection books (Allies and Adversaries, Gadgets and Gear, Starships and Speeders) are a sort of “greatest hits” concept. Now, valid arguments (such as Sammy Hagar’s) about greatest hits compilations when a line (or band) is ostensibly still active aside, each of them would probably have to at least double their page count (and price) to include absolutely everything to date.

you mean something else is missing in Gadgets and Gear too, or only from era supplements? I thought that I have every item in the series.

8 minutes ago, BlackburnUTG said:

you mean something else is missing in Gadgets and Gear too, or only from era supplements? I thought that I have every item in the series.

There is plenty of equipment not included in Gadgets and Gear beyond just Clone Wars era. Look at it from this perspective: 3 Core Rulebooks, 18 career sourcebooks, 4 region sourcebooks, and 7 adventure books all with equipment (some, obviously, more than others and some duplicated), plus some new gear to entice people who already have the reprinted material. Even without the 3 era sourcebooks, that’s more than would fit in a book of Gadgets and Gear’s size and price point. It’s got a good representation of items from across the 3 lines, but a comprehensive collection to date is unrealistic.

Edited by Nytwyng

If you want to go shopping, you can just crack open G&G and find a good selection of any common item (e.g. heavy blaster pistol) or at least one type of any unusual item (rotary blaster cannon). That doesn't mean you can find any specific example of an item (e.g. a particular model of rotary blaster cannon). If you know the specific item you want, then you don't need G&G and can just look it up directly in its sourcebook (use something like https://theouterrim.co/ to look up the page number if you need).

9 hours ago, BlackburnUTG said:

you mean something else is missing in Gadgets and Gear too, or only from era supplements? I thought that I have every item in the series.

It was never sold as having everything. That was not its intent. If you got that you miss interpreted what they were selling.

The same applies to Starships and Speeders and Allies and Adversaries . These are a large selection, but not everything available.

However, for someone that might not be able to find (or afford) every book*, they provide a large enough selection to make most players happy.

And definitely easier to transport to a game session than every book...

(* I'm not talking about myself. I do have every book. 😏 )

Just got mine in and I'm super happy with it. It will be great for when we can do in person gaming again because now when people want to go shopping they won't be pouring through millions of spreadsheets and websites looking for a snippet of something they want. Now I'll be able to just pass the book down and see if anything catches their eyes. It was worth every penny.

55 minutes ago, PrisonMic said:

Just got mine in and I'm super happy with it. It will be great for when we can do in person gaming again because now when people want to go shopping they won't be pouring through millions of spreadsheets and websites looking for a snippet of something they want. Now I'll be able to just pass the book down and see if anything catches their eyes. It was worth every penny.

On the subject of sites and sheets...
They aren't complete yet, but here are a couple sites/sheets that might be useful:

The Outer Rim is a site I have contributed to, and it has everything alphabetized and filterable. It's still got a lot to add, but there's a lot there.

This topic contains a sheet I put together myself, ordering things "by like," which, in my opinion, is a more helpful way to organize it when shopping. It makes it marginally harder to find stats for a particular thing, but if you've got a decent idea what that thing is it shouldn't be hard at all. It's complete for what I have, and includes the additional features (i.e. adds Boost to Computers, or 3 Threat to run out of ammo) of weapons and gear, and the individual weapons loadouts of vehicles and starships, something many compilations do not include.