Any suggestions on this Vader-AT-ST list?

By drail14me, in Army Building

Looking for any suggestions on good changes to this Vader-AT-ST list. Will be using the original core set Battle Cards.


Darth Vader (190)
- Force Reflexes (10)
- Saber Throw (5)
- Force Choke (5)
= 210 total points

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36)

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36)

Shoretroopers (52)

Shoretroopers (52)

Snowtroopers (48)
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
= 53 total points

Imperial Royal Guards (75)
- Recon Intel (2)
- Electrostaff Guard (25)
= 102 total points

Scout Troopers Strike Team (20)
- DLT-19x Sniper (28)
= 48 total points

AT-ST (170)
- 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (20)
- AT-ST Mortar Launcher (10)
- Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10)
= 210 total points

Commands: Implacable, Vader's Might, Fear and Dead Men, New Ways to Motivate Them, Darkness Descends, Master of Evil, Standing Orders

Nevermind. List ran good. Won my tournament with it.

congrats on winning.

im curious but whyd you choose snowtroopers? they dont seem to have much synergy in the list

1 hour ago, Khobai said:

congrats on winning.

im curious but whyd you choose snowtroopers? they dont seem to have much synergy in the list

My plan was to have Vader move from cover to cover with Relentless attacks between. Thought the Snows would be good to move with him and the IRG. They worked well. Put a Dodge on Vader and people would go after the Snows keeping shots away from Vader.

I'm surprised that people shot the snows since there was no flamethrower in the unit. But if it works, it works. Congrats!

Where are they having tournaments?

We didn't have tournaments when Covid wasn't a thing. Now no-one even plays around here

Our tournaments are in Mississippi. We’ve been back gaming for a couple months now. Two tournaments and a League coming up.