New Errata with a lot of useful guidance and examples

By Myrion, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

I like the section suggesting which optional rules to use, based on campaign style.

And there was much rejoicing...

9 hours ago, Myrion said:

The examples for adjusted TNs and staking social attributes will be very useful.

Risky Checks and a change to the Treasure Hunter are also welcome.

All in all: Gonna be very useful.

The Mantis Clan has also been updated with a few minor changes.

By the way, how did you notice this? There’s no link on news.

Max Brooke announced it on the Discord.

Really nice.

I love the alternate styles - risky checks are nice and the staking attributes advice is good, too.

Commune With Evil is a lot more useful now, too.

It's not perfect, but all the changes look like good ones.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Also, no errata for Jade Strike...

1 hour ago, Diogo Salazar said:

Also, no errata for Jade Strike...

There was an interesting point made in the FAQ on Maho. The Tainted trait implies 2 rings. Tainted and Otherworldly implies 4 rings. Looking at the NPCs to date (I hope my spreadsheet is right):

Tainted: Fudoshi, Ogre, Goblin, Tsumunagi, Maho-tsukai

Tainted & Otherworldly: Bog Hag, Harionagu. Kyorinrin, Penanggalan, Wanyudo Oni, Undead

Otherworldly: Troll, Ki-rin, Spirits

1 hour ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

There was an interesting point made in the FAQ on Maho. The Tainted trait implies 2 rings. Tainted and Otherworldly implies 4 rings. Looking at the NPCs to date (I hope my spreadsheet is right):

Tainted: Fudoshi, Ogre, Goblin, Tsumunagi, Maho-tsukai

Tainted & Otherworldly: Bog Hag, Harionagu. Kyorinrin, Penanggalan, Wanyudo Oni, Undead

Otherworldly: Troll, Ki-rin, Spirits

Well, do you agree that a Goblin should not be hit by a Jade Strike while a Ki-rin can? I mean, sure, if FFG wants to change the lore, by all means, but of all the places to change the lore, this is the one that makes the least sense.


Goblins are native to Ningen-do, and the very little info we have on the Wheels of Judgement suggests that they also go through the Cycle of Rebirth just like humans. Jade Strike calls upon the power inherent in the mortal realm, unlike jade itself, which is crystallised tears of Amaterasu*. If what it is doing is opposing 'invaders' then, possibly unintuitively, Ki-rin should also be banished by it. I just expect no one has ever tested it like that.

That bit of new info also suggests that Yori had at least 3 Tainted rings.

*Which does suggest a rather last resort option if we really are running out of jade - make the Sun Goddess cry. I kind of want to suggest that IC to a Centipede one day...

Which is sort of okay by itself, but still contradicts the other descriptions we have of the ability. The technique's own description says " withering creatures of evil and humans under the sway of the Shadowlands’ insidious power ", and the writers of the fiction clearly believe that a tainted human should be hurt by it (Kuni Yori). I get that fluff =/= rules, but still.

If in practice we're treating it as only really being of use against Otherworldly Shadowlands creatures, that's not the end of the world, but it was a change from the Beta ("... If you succeed and the target is a Shadowlands creature or a character with the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage ...") which was never explained.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Did i misread the risky check section?

To me it seems like i will be granted bonus successes, thus if i do this risky check my reward is some bonus success if i succeed.
however most rolls dosn't benefit that much from bonus success as i recall.
plus i don't get what this shortfall they speak of is.

have i just forgotten the system jargon or do i missremeber the core resolution mechanic?

Shortfall is part of the basic mechanism, but also not used very frequently in any defined manner. It's simply how many successes short you are. (TN 3, 1 success == Shortfall 2)

So the thing is that it's there to encourage people to do more things with bonus successes and shortfall. You were always supposed to include those with a lot of rolls, especially in narrative scenes. It should be used for anything including "does this person get pissed at me for being blunt?", where success is "no, and you get what you were looking to get", small shortfall is "also no, but you don't get what you wanted" and only larger shortfall is "yep, they're now mad at you". Or Jumping down somewhere: Success is being fine, while failure gives you fatigue based on the shortfall (or counts as a fall and hence likely even a crit).

Risky checks give you a mechanical incentive to think about that more and include it more often.

4 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

Which is sort of okay by itself, but still contradicts the other descriptions we have of the ability. The technique's own description says " withering creatures of evil and humans under the sway of the Shadowlands’ insidious power ", and the writers of the fiction clearly believe that a tainted human should be hurt by it (Kuni Yori). I get that fluff =/= rules, but still.

If in practice we're treating it as only really being of use against Otherworldly Shadowlands creatures, that's not the end of the world, but it was a change from the Beta ("... If you succeed and the target is a Shadowlands creature or a character with the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage ...") which was never explained.

Yeah, one of my friends finally found the answer. Page 127, there’s a red sidebar saying that once a human has 3 tainted rings they also gain the otherworldly keyword. So that explains it. The problem, really, is that this is found in a sidebar on disadvantages, not exactly where you would look for it.

Ah! Now that makes sense. Good spot. So it won't work for 'only slightly tainted' opponents, and no, it won't affect goblins (unless they have an NPC template).

Edited by Magnus Grendel
2 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

Ah! Now that makes sense. Good spot. So it won't work for 'only slightly tainted' opponents, and no, it won't affect goblins (unless they have an NPC template).

apparently all the important rules are in sidebars..