Raise the Valorum

By Mattheau, in Game Masters

I am starting a campaign back tonight, the pc's are a droid, an Alderaanian, and a Jedi. The setting is about 5 years after Return of the Jedi and I was thinking they are going to be asked by the Alderaan Flotilla to search out a lost Venator to see if it can be salvaged, not for the players of course, but for the Flotilla, and eventually maybe get to meet Leia Organa and later get a chance to join up with the Resistance. So it is basically a Raise the Titanic theme where this Venator was special somehow, and was lost due to a Hyperspace mishap. Any thoughts?

Possibly a dying crew of clone troopers that are in their final years or days and that can explain how ship still works (clones kept basic maintenance up). Or reverse, it could have been under attack by Separatist forces (explains hyperspace mishap) and they are aboard the ship and PC's have to defeat them.

This may be a bit "sciency" but I ran an arc with my son where a ship was pulled out of hyperspace but the engines got fried and they basically continued on in "real space" at very close to light speed. They couldn't slow down, re-enter hyperspace, etc. This meant the time dilation was huge. In my case the crew was lost 2000 years earlier, but only a few months had passed for them and they were just running out of food. They had enough energy to activate a distress beacon, but it was only sheer luck that a passing freighter noticed. To catch up the PCs had to load every spare bit of room on their ship with fuel, hyperspace ahead of it, and then match speed. Of course, by the time they were done, fixed the ship and were able to slow it down...a couple years had passed :)

In the case of a Venator, the clones might have no idea how much "real" time has passed for the rest of the galaxy and what the latest news is, might be a fun time capsule.

I love derelicts...

One idea would be to have there be a twist to the hyperspace mishap: A pathogen, hallucinogenic drug driving the crew insane, monsters, attackers, zombie virus, etc.
Whatever it was, the threat (or some result of the threat) is still aboard.

As for what makes the Venator special, you can tie it into the above (pathogen that escapes containment, monsters that escape containment, etc.) or something like valuable cargo, experimental weapons (mini-Death Star/Eclipse axial superlaser prototype in place of a hangar bay), or other experimental technology (stealth tech).
Maybe to combine cargo and technology, an IPV-2C Steath Corvette.

I've got a story idea for something similar, but as-written it wouldn't really work for you.

Somewhere in the forums there's a story conversation of rediscovering the Titanic. It could be helpful. HMS Republic I think.

Edited by Rimsen
10 hours ago, Rimsen said:

Somewhere in the forums there's a story conversation of rediscovering the Titanic. It could be helpful. HMS Republic I think.

Thanks everyone. I had not considered the possibility of having the clone crew still be alive. I rather like that idea.

I really like this idea, might have to try something similar with my own group

Well they escaped the clan of Ubese that was hired to get to the contact before them, but they were shooting and running the whole way, which led to a longer run and gun scene with them being dogged by the Ubese in Headhunters to the edge of Nar Shadaa space. So far they are on track. Now they are going to an old storage station in the middle of nowhere where the nav computer is stored in a floating cold storage unit that the old smuggler hides his treasures in.

9 hours ago, Bellona said:

That link leads to a page stating that "You need access".

Hmm, recently forced to move my Google site to the new Google software. Access must have been changed will take a look thanks.

ETA: Is is showing as Public. I'm not sure what is going on. If you would, please try again and tell me if you now have access?

Edited by Sturn

4 hours ago, Sturn said:

Hmm, recently forced to move my Google site to the new Google software. Access must have been changed will take a look thanks.

ETA: Is is showing as Public. I'm not sure what is going on. If you would, please try again and tell me if you now have access?

I attached a picture, it says you will receive an e-mail notification from the person requesting access.


Very fair point about the e-mail address, did not think that through.

Edited by Sear_Clone
Remove personal information
2 hours ago, Sear_Clone said:

I attached a picture, it says you will receive an e-mail notification from the person requesting access.

Hmmm, I'm not fond of the idea of scattering my e-mail address across the internet like that.

Well I could not get into the shared doc, but the idea of a Venator Shadow Port sounds intriguing as heck. There are internet rumors of Mandalorians owning Venators after the Clone Wars, so I will do so research on the idea.

Well crap sorry. Online documentation for the new Google Sites says nothing about requiring access or email if set to Public, which I did. I had no such problems before the forced move to their new engine. I've also received NO requests for access.

1. New Google Sites has problem with a non-Chrome browser?? Old sites didn't.

2. I tried updating to Public yet again, this time in a Chrome browser instead of Edge, no idea why that would help but did it anyway.

3. Can't find any solutions online, they keep telling me to do what I already did.

4. Sorry for the thread hijack.

Edited by Sturn

I believe I solved the problem. When the site moved, all files in my Google Drive were listed as non-shared even though the site itself was shared. I shared the files, tested on a different computer, and I think it's available now.

1 hour ago, Sturn said:

I believe I solved the problem. When the site moved, all files in my Google Drive were listed as non-shared even though the site itself was shared. I shared the files, tested on a different computer, and I think it's available now.

It is indeed!

Thank you very much. :)