Introducing... Dicey Stories - stories shaped by dice - a tabletop RPG actual-play podcast with emphasis on storytelling - listen to us play or read the serialized narrative.
My gaming group has recently started up Dicey Stories . We share our table-top RPG experiences in two formats: the actual-play audio and the serialized narrative write-up. If you're interested in reading adventures as they occurred in the lives of the characters, those are at our website, . If you like listening to real people laughing their way through telling a story together, you can listen at our website or find episodes on Google Podcasts , Stitcher , Spotify , and Apple Podcasts . Here's the RSS feed , too.
Our first series on the podcast is StarCraft: FRAWD Investigators, played using Genesys.
“The Fraud, Retaliation, Abuse, and Waste Division (FRAWD) needs hardworking terrans like you to inspect facilities and gather evidence. Satisfy your service obligation and earn steady pay with FRAWD today!”
— Dominion recruiting pamphlet, 2503
This game is set in Blizzard’s StarCraft universe at the beginning of Starcraft II. The characters are Dominion investigators within the chronically underfunded, under-equipped, understaffed, and possibly underhanded FRAWD. Their first assignment together is to gather evidence of an allegedly illegal jorium crystal mining operation nestled between zerg hive clusters on the remote planet Brontes IV in the Koprulu Sector.
If you know nothing about StarCraft, that’s fine! Neither did the players prior to starting this game. But if you do know StarCraft, don’t worry; our GM Dan is quite familiar with the universe from playing the video game. This campaign began as a beta test of Dan’s module for the 2019 Rincon Gaming Convention, an adaptation of Leovaunt’s module The Raid on Installation Delta Rose using Genesys rules.
Players Lex and Jenn did a trial run of the module using two of Dan’s pre-generated characters, and he included a third as an NPC to round out the skill set of the party. That made the party Lilly, a resocialized soldier (a resoc); Imogen, a latent psionic from the Umojan Protectorate; and Ted, a zerg-infested researcher. Enough fun was had by all that we decided to continue with the characters. Following a few tweaks to the PCs to make them our own, we began regular play. That is where the actual-play podcast series begins, picking up the story after the mining adventure (which, while not recorded, is available in narrative form at Dicey Stories ).
We release a new episode at the start of each week and the audio is accompanied by a serialized write-up of the adventure on our website. The podcasts themselves are edited to cut down on digressions (as well as "uhs" and "ums"), so they generally clock in around 30-90 minutes. Episodes 1-7 are out already. The first story arc will conclude with episode 8.
Edited by jendeferFixed Stitcher link