Heroes or villains you would love to see?

By Humantorch101, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

I thought I would start a topic of heroes or villains I would love to see in the game.

Either from a hero pack perspective or an ally. On the villains side who deserves their own scenario, or even as a minion, nemesis or modular set based around them.

I am going to keep it at one character per post, and just chat about why they would be fun in the game.

I come from a perspective of a big marvel fan and reader from childhood in the late 70s and 80s.

In the UK marvel back then had their own British versions of us titles where they combined three or four comics into one, but cut down the length of each one in an issue to fit it in and it was then published in black and white.

So my childhood experience was quite broad. I have recently started reading again due to the game and catching up with this huge universe and its been great fun, but I am in no way an expert on the modern lore.

The first character I want to talk about is Hank McCoy the Beast. Now from my late 70s perspective he was obviously an original X-Man, but I primarily fell in love with the character as an Avenger. He was my favourite Avenger back in the day, as he was the joker, the hero giving some much needed light relief in the Avengers book at the time from the seriousness of Cap, Thor, Hank Pym and Iron Man (who was nothing like the wise cracking Downey version at that time).

I'm really hoping he is both X-Man and Avengers traited and Mutant if they make that a thing, although for the inevitable Sentinels scenario I can't see how they can't.

The Beast would be a great hero pack, with cards showing off his strength, speed and of course a few highlighting his amazing agility and acrobatics.

He also has the whole intelligence and genius side of his character with all his biochemistry scientific aspect. A good split of mental and physical cards would suit him.

His wisecracking personality would have to be worth a card as he taunts his enemies into mistakes (I was surprised Spidey never got a card for this, but was probably they couldn't fir it all in).

Beast would be a high thwarting hero I feel maybe a 2 2 2 across the board or 2 1 2 with his defence 2 representing his high agility and reactions.

Not sure who his ally would be, but surely his nemesis would have to be Dark Beast.

I know he has no chance of coming for quite some time, but he would be a great choice, I just hope they realise his importance in Avengers history as well as his mutant background.

I would love a Vision hero! He's so awesome! Not in the mcu so much, but he's so freaking cool in the comics! One of Hulk's basic cards called ingenuity is kind of a not so strong card, but it's got Vision on it, so I automatically love it! I wish they added him before they went to the Guardians.

I would love to see the X-Man Rogue designed. I think they could really stretch a new design space with her.

Off the top of my head I could see her discarding cards off of the encounter deck for a stat boost, or interacting with the top card of the discard pile.

Example- Energy resource on the top = +atk, Mental = +thw, Physical = +def, Wild = all of the above.

Her power set is very strong since she absorbed Captain Marvel's (Ms.Marvel at the time) and later Wonder Man's flight, strength, and durability. Plus her ability to absorb the powers and memories of different individuals would be so interesting to see translated in the LCG- though it may be a bit unpredictable like how Scarlet Witch looks like she may be.

Hank would be an ideal choice and he would definitely need an ally pairing with Simon Williams (Wonder Man). Although it would be nice to see a better version.

I have a long list of heroes, I would love to see. I'll put down Moon Knight for my first pick with tie-ins to the MCU 2021 show.

My next hope would be anybody old school, just so I can see that they plan on keeping the old classics alongside some of the new stuff. For example in the Guardians of the Galaxy run I would love to see Starhawk/Aleta or Yondu, or Martinex

and even though the TV show was awful I would love some Inhumans like a Black Bolt

I have still yet to buy into the game because I’m waiting for heroes that I like to be released but I have been following this game pretty closely and who I would love to see is Punisher. I’m also a big X-Men fan and Cyclops and the gang would for sure be a draw but Punisher is the hero closest to my heart.

I don’t know enough of the specific mechanics to comment on abilities but he needs his van and his cards should consist of a great variety of glorious weaponry. Also extra points if they managed to tie his Cosmic Ghostrider side into it.

53 minutes ago, IceHot42 said:

Hank would be an ideal choice and he would definitely need an ally pairing with Simon Williams (Wonder Man). Although it would be nice to see a better version.

I have a long list of heroes, I would love to see. I'll put down Moon Knight for my first pick with tie-ins to the MCU 2021 show.

My next hope would be anybody old school, just so I can see that they plan on keeping the old classics alongside some of the new stuff. For example in the Guardians of the Galaxy run I would love to see Starhawk/Aleta or Yondu, or Martinex

and even though the TV show was awful I would love some Inhumans like a Black Bolt

Yep I have a fond place in my heart for Vance Astro with Caps shield, which could be intresting and Charlie 27 lol.

1 hour ago, IceHot42 said:

and even though the TV show was awful I would love some Inhumans like a Black Bolt

Dude, so true.

I think Daredevil would be a solid choice and perhaps Silver Surfer. A Fantastic Four box set would be great, perhaps released similarly to Guardians and give us Dr. Doom. Inhumans would also be great. I'm hopeful that we'll see some X-Men, but I'm betting that's going to be awhile with their new release of whatever that X-Men game is called. Is it just me, or does that game look aweful?

4 hours ago, urloony said:

I think Daredevil would be a solid choice and perhaps Silver Surfer. A Fantastic Four box set would be great, perhaps released similarly to Guardians and give us Dr. Doom. Inhumans would also be great. I'm hopeful that we'll see some X-Men, but I'm betting that's going to be awhile with their new release of whatever that X-Men game is called. Is it just me, or does that game look aweful?

I would love to see Daredevil and Fantastic Four.

I would be intrested to see if they sell them all in one box set or go the guardians route of just 2 in the box and other packs after.

I too have no intrest in the xmen game it's a reskin of elder sign which I already own.

It's a fine game, but I don't like games just reskinned directly from another.

5 hours ago, Humantorch101 said:

I would be intrested to see if they sell them all in one box set or go the guardians route of just 2 in the box and other packs after.

Yeah, it may depend on how well the Guardians format sells. It has to be in the works I would think.

5 hours ago, Humantorch101 said:

I too have no intrest in the xmen game it's a reskin of elder sign which I already own

I just saw that it was a reskin of another game in the YouTube comments. I never played elder sign. They're also using all new art instead of using comic art which seems like a strange call considering they have access to Marvel's back catalog of art. With 80 years of classic artwork, by known industry artists, why water it down with coloring book artistry?

7 hours ago, Humantorch101 said:

It's a fine game, but I don't like games just reskinned directly from another.

With some exceptions if they reskinned Gloomhaven with X-Men that would be an instant buy for me.

9 minutes ago, IceHot42 said:

With some exceptions if they reskinned Gloomhaven with X-Men that would be an instant buy for me.

To be fair, something like that (or at least the card system for it) would be pretty cool.

I’m planning to get the X Men game, mainly to play solo. Looks like an interesting dice rolling type of game (something I don’t really have in my collection) with a theme that interests me and a fair amount of content in terms of characters and scenarios for the price...

For this game, I’d really love to see Cloak & Dagger and I think the Sentry could be really interesting with the mechanics available. Prince Namor would also be cool. I’d like a Vision Hero as well.

12 minutes ago, FearLord said:

To be fair, something like that (or at least the card system for it) would be pretty cool.

I’m planning to get the X Men game, mainly to play solo. Looks like an interesting dice rolling type of game (something I don’t really have in my collection) with a theme that interests me and a fair amount of content in terms of characters and scenarios for the price...

For this game, I’d really love to see Cloak & Dagger and I think the Sentry could be really interesting with the mechanics available. Prince Namor would also be cool. I’d like a Vision Hero as well.

The Sub-Mariner would be brilliant, one of those characters that could eventually be a hero an ally a villain a nemesis and a modular set lol.

Yes Vision would be great with his unusual density power set.

Elder sign is a good game. But something about this new version I just don't like the look of, the theme looks a bit pasted on to me.

3 hours ago, Humantorch101 said:

Elder sign is a good game. But something about this new version I just don't like the look of, the theme looks a bit pasted on to me.

I’m not so sure about that. Of the heroes we’ve seen, they have interesting abilities that seem to fit with the characters, and there’s a lot of them. The scenarios all come with some story, and again there’s quite a few. It looks reasonably on theme for me. Not clear how important having the standees actually is (perhaps it becomes more important in bigger games?) but I think I’m convinced enough to pick it up for some solo play...

8 hours ago, FearLord said:

To be fair, something like that (or at least the card system for it) would be pretty cool.

I’m planning to get the X Men game, mainly to play solo. Looks like an interesting dice rolling type of game (something I don’t really have in my collection) with a theme that interests me and a fair amount of content in terms of characters and scenarios for the price...

For this game, I’d really love to see Cloak & Dagger and I think the Sentry could be really interesting with the mechanics available. Prince Namor would also be cool. I’d like a Vision Hero as well.

Sentry would be super cool! Maybe the most powerful but with a risk of becoming the void haha.

Also I’m very interested in the X-Men game. I would rather see them for Champions but I really enjoyed elder sign and an X-Men version would be great. Plus I have found that without exception in my household, shorter faster games get played more often.

Edited by General_Grievous

Another character I would love to see in the game lore wise from an Avengers perspective is the Enchantress.

She would obviously have a big impact on Thor as well, but she was a member of the Masters of Evil for years and was even involved in the original secret wars.

A very intresting power set with her spells and illusions.

Don't know how they would represent her abilities to seduce male heroes to do her biding with a kiss, but u can easily see her as a scenario in an asgqrdian boxed set or maybe as a modular set.

Great female villain and one of the oldest marvel villains.

2 hours ago, Humantorch101 said:

Another character I would love to see in the game lore wise from an Avengers perspective is the Enchantress.

...pairs well with the Executioner also could make a fun double villain set. Can you get too much Karl Urban?

57 minutes ago, IceHot42 said:

...pairs well with the Executioner also could make a fun double villain set. Can you get too much Karl Urban?

Yes the old Executioner was her partner, bf, slave etc.

Makes you realise there are a ton of great Asgardian characters available for a box set.

On the hero side you have Balder the brave, heroes three, Kala, Odin, not yet in the game.

An Asgard set could also potentially ramp up Thors power level to where some players feel it should be, with lots more Asgard cards.

Obviously Loki would be the big bad of such a set, but you also have Hela, the Destroyer, ymir, surtar, malikeith, ulik, the enchantress, the list goes on.

I would love the punisher! Whenever he kills a minion it would leave the game instead of going to the discard pile! And daredevil is my favorite superhero so I'm still waiting for him. I might also be the only fan of sleepwalker but he would be fun too haha!

1 hour ago, Damenwood said:

I would love the punisher! Whenever he kills a minion it would leave the game instead of going to the discard pile! And daredevil is my favorite superhero so I'm still waiting for him. I might also be the only fan of sleepwalker but he would be fun too haha!

Punisher removing minions from the deck because he is actually killing them is such a funny, fun, thematic idea.

I love it!


  • Black Cat
  • Spider-Gwen


  • A Symbiote hive (or whatever) which can individually attach themselves to the hero(s), forcing them to play by different rules until they are removed.
1 hour ago, Humantorch101 said:

Punisher removing minions from the deck because he is actually killing them is such a funny, fun, thematic idea.

I love it!

And it wouldn't make things easier, as you will not only be reducing the size of the encounter deck, but the worst cards in the encounter deck are not usually Villains, so they will now be coming up more often.

They could make it that Elite Villain and Villainous villains are immune to it as well as to not break the game in any way.

Sorry, but i'm an old read-comic man.

Someone else wanna see an Impossible Man hero pack?

I remember a fantastic four comic, he was watching a TV Show about gangsters and he dress like one... because he thinks everyone dress like that in earth! It will be a good alter ego art.

C'mon, an alien from dead world who does not understand ours and tries to imitate its heroes. Can control all of his molecules. All power in a hands of a child trying to understand these world (we don't all do it?).

He's confused, for these reason heals on his hero form and on his alter-ego form can ATK, TWH or DEF.

He's obligation card, obviously, is go to the starts and search another world for repopulate it with copies of itself.

He wanna be a super-hero, and copy the other heroes, isn't be fun if in his deck we can add tech upgrades from other hero packs (max of 5, maybe?)? Use the cap shield and the Thor hammer with iron man gauntlets in the same hero, maybe in the same turn... COOL!

in comics it always multiplies to fight villains, his deck can have 2 or 3 copies of an ally version of Impossible man same stats (only hero form) without the unique icon and a textbox: "when you play Impossible man as an ally, look in your deck and discard pile for another Impossible man ally and put it into play ignoring his card text". Every time you play an ally, it will be Impossible man itself, and you play two allies at once!... all table full of Impossible men, just like comics!

It would be so fun... it's crazy, it's nonsense, it's... impossible :-)

The characters are here, the stories are here, if they only pay attention to what is in 'the movies', they will miss what is around they. The house of ideas have more than one room.

Nobody else wanna see a serpent crown campaign? Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins ? Inferno?

If i see another 'dark phoenix saga' version, i'm going to screem...


19 hours ago, DarthofZA said:

And it wouldn't make things easier, as you will not only be reducing the size of the encounter deck, but the worst cards in the encounter deck are not usually Villains, so they will now be coming up more often.

They could make it that Elite Villain and Villainous villains are immune to it as well as to not break the game in any way.

It would make Ultron virtually impossible to beat since the cards you're removing the from game would be your own.

23 minutes ago, mike8104 said:

It would make Ultron virtually impossible to beat since the cards you're removing the from game would be your own.

It can be worded to cover that. Let's see.

  • "Forced Response: When a minion card would be placed in the Villain discard pile from play after you deal damage, remove it from the game instead."

That looks like it might work.