"Our illustrious Empire survived a pitiful and deplorable surprise attack from the loathsome Rebel Alliance above the Forest Moon of Endor. There were grevious losses, but the iron fist of the Empire stopped the band of briggands from sabotaging the Emperor's ultimate weapon, ensuring the continued peace and prosperity across the galaxy."
But for real, I don't have a full bat-rep, but I thought these photos from round 1, 3, & 6 ( https://photos.app.goo.gl/sBGRb5f9wZkDTx1a8 ) were pretty cool. Huge thanks to @Darth Sanguis and his Battle of Endor custom scenario. Lots of fun, even though I didn't stick fully to fleet points and may have caused some balance issues for myself.
Also a huge shout out to my lovely wife, who hates when I make her play, but nonetheless was only one squadron hut away from victory!