All or Nothing w/GG

By F0RGED, in Army Building

General Grievous (Tenacity)
Cad Bane (Duck and Cover)
B1 Battle Droids (E-5s B1 Trooper)
B2 Super Battle Droids (B2-ACM Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B2 Super Battle Droids (B2-ACM Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
B2 Super Battle Droids (B2-ACM Trooper, T-series Tactical Droid)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (Strike Team) (Dioxis Mine Saboteur)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (Strike Team) (Dioxis Mine Saboteur)
BX-Series Droid Commandos (Strike Team) (Dioxis Mine Saboteur)

Trained in Your Jedi Arts (1), Im Your Worst Nightmare (1), Supreme Commander (2), Im in Control (2), Crush Them! (3), I Make the Rules Now (3), Standing Orders (4)

Deployments: Danger Close, Battle Lines, Hemmed In, Major Offensive
Objectives: Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators, Breakthrough, Hostage Exchange, Key Positions
Conditions: Fortified Positions, War Weary, Limited Visibility, Hostile Environment