Hi guys! Yesterday I went to my first tourney post-covid lockdown, and inspired by @Ryuneke 's awesome batreps, decided to make one myself. Here's what I played:
Major Vonreg (55)
Daredevil (2)
"Holo" (53)
Proud Tradition (2)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Kylo Ren (76)
Sense (5)
Total: 198
A three ship list, which completely fits my playing style. I've always enjoyed 2 aces and a support ship (Luke/Corran/Farrel, Obi/Mace/Luminara, etc), but this time the support ship is quite an ace by itself. The previous version of the list had Optics on Kylo and no PA, but with the points drop I decided to try PA on Holo, and added sense on kylo to help me against those I5 and I6 that move after me. There were 8 players, and we played 3 swiss rounds.
Round 1 vs Sloane swarm (2 Academies, 3 Strikers, Kagi w/ Sloane and Krennic):
I knew I had to be very cagey, as there are lots of arcs to dodge (7 in total), and a bad roll on my greens could be game. I decided to bait with Kylo, while flanking with Vonreg. I misjudged the distance and the Optimized prototype striker was able to strip one of Kylo's shields with the ability. It didn't matter what I rolled, or the evade I got from Holo...
Next turn Kylo disengaged, and Vonreg turned right and took a R2 shot dealing 2 damage to one striker. 16p for me. Vonreg took two R3 shots in return from the academies, one of them obstructed, but he was safe.
Next turn Vonreg gets bullseye on the optimized prototype, and deals 1 damage. Kylo rolls 3 hits on the halved striker, but he evades 2. 1 more hull to go. Return fire doesn't deal damage to Kylo.
Next turn Kylo does a 5s to avoid blocks and a few shots. I decide not to focus boost to avoid the rerolls from Sloane, so I just boost. Kylo whiffs, Holo gets behind the optimised prototype and whiffs, and Vonreg goes too fast. I totally forgot Vonreg's ability, which would have helped in Holo's shot.
Time is called (oh man so few turns played 😢 ) so Kylo does 5s and boost right. Right now I'm winning by 16p, but Kylo is 2 damage away from half points, and he'll take two R3 shots from both focused academies. I decide not to stress Kylo to avoid Sloane's rerolls again. If I deal one more damage to the optimised striker I'll get another half pointed ship. Vonreg has no shot, and Holo whiffs (Kagi took my TL, so I only had a focus). Kylo rolls well enough and I win by 16p.
Round 2 vs 5x Tie SFs with passive sensors and concussion missiles:
Remember me saying 7 arcs were too many arcs to dodge? Well now I'm facing 10! 😂
If I had to play cagey the first game, this was no different. In fact those missiles are way more dangerous. The fact that the Tie SFs can use passive sensors to TL>>>rotate and fire them off their back arcs makes this list a tough matchup.
I spent a few turns slow rolling to try and get the engagement I wanted, but it never seemed to come hehe. Finally I over comitted with Holo, and ate 3 missiles. Lucky for me, a gas cloud for all shots, an evade, coupled with my opponent only rolling 2 hits every time made me survive unscathed.
The following turn another 2 missiles were fired, one on Holo and one on Vonreg, with the same results. So 5 less missiles in the list, zero damage taken. Good start.
The following turn I segnor'd left with Holo, boosted to R3 with PA, and focused with proud tradition, and finally got a damage through. My opponent then surprised me when he decided to take another damage to flip proud tradition and make my focus actions red. Not nice. Vonreg turned away cowardly, but arc dodged all enemy arcs.
The following turn Vonreg turned 1 left but I blocked it with Holo (oops) and Holo fired on the wounded SF, dealing hit hit crit after mods (TL + red Focus). Last shield down, one face down damage card and the crit being a Direct Hit! That was really lucky, as it killed the SF. Kylo did 2 more damage to another Sf, who in return got another 2 hits on the missile, with Kylo evading both.
The following turn, which would be the last due to time, I went all in on the now wounded SF, shot it with all three ships, and left him on one hull. Holo had passed an enemy TL to Kylo, who was out of arc, so only one missile could be fired this turn. Finally my opponent rolled all three hits on the missile (we had to wait for the 7th missile for it to happen...) and Holo blanked out (first time as well, but I can't complain as I was rolling pretty well). So Holo being on 1 hull gave up 30p, and here's the funny part. As the concussion missile hit, a card had to be flipped, and guess who was at R1 of Holo... The ONE hull SF! Wanna guess the damage card he flipped? Yeap, direct hit. SF dead by "friendly fire", crazy stuff happening! I got the win 80-30.
Round 3 vs Pro Torp Corran/Wedge/2x Phoenix Squadron A-Wings:
So as only two players were undefeated, we got paired for the 3rd round. My opponent is a Corran lover like me, and we're the only 2 guys who play him regularly in the store (actually I decided to take this FO list instead of the Corran/Leia/Farrel one I've been testing lately because my friend told me he was bringing Corran, and Corran is too awesome to be everywhere 😂 ).
Finally I would get a chance to use Sense this match, as Wedge will be moving after Kylo and Holo. I deployed in a @Ryuneke style, and baited with Kylo, but leaving Holo close in case he needs that evade. All enemy ships moved as fast as they could, so we'd probably have an engagement the following turn. Corran boosted and TL'd Kylo. Vonreg got into a nice position to flank next round.
I thought Corran was going to close in a bit faster (my style), but he did the classic 1s + focus, so the 3 bank right on Kylo suddenly didn't look so good. Luckily for me, the BR left + boost left with Kylo allowed me to arc dodge both Corran and the A-Wing. It left me at R1 of the other A-Wing and probably R1 of the incoming Wedge, but better than a full modded Pro Torp. Holo, who had arc dodged the A-Wing with the 2 bank, took a strain to TL the A-Wing (Wedge was too far away), then focused. I didn't use the TL as I ended up shooting Wedge with all three ships and I whiffed with Holo, but it was fine as I passed the strain to Vonreg, who was out of all arcs.
Wedge obviously got into R1 of Kylo and TLd him, and Vonreg turned in, getting a bullseye R2 shot at Wedge with TL. Wedge whiffed and only got hit crit after spending the lock, and Kylo nattied! I forgot to show him the dark side though... Between Vonreg and Kylo I did 2 shields to Wedge and a Weapons failure crit, which should have been panicked pilot if I had remembered. Not a bad crit anyway so I can't complain.
Next turn, unlike the first game, I remembered Vonreg's trigger, so I put a strain into Wedge. One A-Wing went for the block but failed, and the other one turned around the rock to get into action. Corran did a segnor to the left, and was still in range to fire the pro torp by a hair's width. As I had sense'd Wedge's 1 bank, I blocked it with Holo, and Kylo was safe from Wedge. Vonreg bumped into Kylo but had a nice R1 bullseye shot on Wedge. Vonreg only did 1 damage as it was unmodded, leaving Wedge on 2 hull. Corran got 2 hits 2 crits on the torp after mods, and Kylo rolled blank, blank, focus so lost 2 shields and got a console fire crit. The blue A-wing got hit crit, and though I evaded both using the force, he used Crack Shot, and the crit was damaged sensor array. What a really bad turn for me...
The following turn I got lucky again, as my opponent rolled 1 hit in 8 dice (4 blanks, 3 focuses 1 hit), so Kylo, who had done a 1 left turn to surprise my opponent, lived for another turn, and also fixed the console fire.
Between Vonreg (I remembered his ability but Wedge did another blue) and Holo, who did the PA for an evade, proud tradition focus shenanigans after a s-loop I killed Wedge (he used to be where the foils token is).
Next turn Kylo disengaged to fix the damaged sensor array, Holo arc dodged Corran with a BR left, and Vonreg went too fast to shoot, but was now in Corran's tail for the next turn. Holo took a shield off the a-wing.
The following turn I read Corran's 3 hard so I put Kylo out of R3, while being able to shoot at an A-wing. I didn't mind being in the bullseye as it had already spent the Crackshot. Holo did the trick again, this time arc dodging Corran with a BR after the s-loop. Between Vonreg and Holo I took another shield off Corran. Kylo also took a shield off the A-Wing, while taking no damage in return.
The following turn I susprised my opponent turning Kylo in with a 1 turn right, and a 1 turn left with Holo. I didn't expect Corran to s-loop, but he ended in a really bad spot...
I got two R1 shots into a depleted Corran with Vonreg and Holo, and finished him with Kylo. Corran's unmodded (and depleted) shot only dealt 1 shield to Vonreg.
The following turn I killed an A-wing...
And with 5 minutes on the clock, I took out the other one...
I won 200-41, winning the tournament. The Ember/Kaz foil card is awesome!
Thanks for reading!
Edited by RoockieBoyspelling