Great Success!!!

By Rikalonius, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I tried it myself as well. And abadoned it...

(On Ahsoka)

So i know what an icredible job is this


2 hours ago, Ace_of_Spades said:

I tried it myself as well. And abadoned it...

(On Ahsoka)

So i know what an icredible job is this


Thank you. It took me more than a couple attempts and watching a lot of YouTube videos before I started realizing what my limitations where and how to overcome them. Some things are counter-intuitive. My next task is going to be to re-topo the huge mesh. What you are seeing, detail wise, is mostly texture. The bare model is surprisingly low on detail, albeit terribly dense, like 2 million polys. Once I've figured out that, I want to try it on a painted figure. Since I've invested a fair amount of money into equipment, if you wanted to send me a painted Ahsoka, I'd be glad to produce a 3d model for you.