Just for the heck of it, this past 10 days, i've done 5 head-to-head run offs, each using three of my home made ships from my HOTAC play test missions...
First up was the three B-wing trio of Shunt, Spot and Wilt. They ran against the Three Y-wing pack of Dozer, Unca and Cmoz..
By the third round, Spot and Wilt had worn down Cmoz, but Dozer and Unca had managed to drop a pair of ion bombs each catching Shunt and Wilt... Wilt got the worst of it, as he was caught by both ion bombs... In the fourth round, Cmoz got tore up losing 3 of his 5 hull, but the TLT of Unca finished taking the shields off Spot.. Two rounds later, both Cmoz and Wilt died (wilt via running off the map edge). Shunt was next. It took till the 8th round before Dozer lost his last shield to spot. But he and Unca, finally wore down Shunt..
Solid Y wing victory.
Second up was the same 3 Y-wings, this time going against 3 X-wings, Jinn, Chaka and Reign fire.. Reign fire died swiftly to all 3 Y-wings hitting him with a torpedo.. However, his wingmates tore up Dozer by the fourth round.. However by getting in behind him (both K-turned), that set them up to get bombs dropped on them by Cmoz and Unca.. That still didn't save Cmoz, as the dice gods were with Chaka and Jinn.. Cmoz lost out 2 rounds later.. Unca slowly tore the shields off Jinn, but in return lost all his shields... Eventually he died in the 9th round...
Win 1 for the X-wings.
3rd running up was the same 3 X-wings, this time vs 3 a-wings.. Drogo, Blue-thunder and Gruff.. The A_wings were hard to pin down, but the X-wings kept spread out so Gruff's assault missile couldn't get brought to bear.. But Drogo's ion pulse did smite Reign, while Blue-s torpe into Jinn.. Eventually, only Jinn was eva, along with Blue, by the end of the 10th round..
A tie.
The 4th up, was the 3 same a-wings vs the 3 B-wings from earlier.. Though tough, the B-wings were hard to maneuver to keep the A-wings in arc, and Spot got blown up by the 6th round.. By the 8th, Wilt was also eva. At the end of the 10th. Only two of the A-wings had lost shields...
Good win for them.
So i then set the A-wings vs the Y-wings.. AND MAN did the Y-wings tear the A-wings up.. All 3 of them were eva by the 6th round.. Mostly cause of being bombed!
So the B-wings had no wins. The Y-wings had two wins, the X-wings had none, the A-wings had one win.. BUT the A-s and X-s tied....