Rebel list feedback

By Alan Noir, in Army Building

After much messing about I came up with a Rebel list that wiped the floor with my opponent. I think I'll try to tweak it now as much as I can, so I'd like your suggestions. It might have been a fluke but I think I did very well out of it.

795 points, 11 activations

Han Solo

Emergency Stims (not required)

Commanding Presence




Rebel Troopers


Rebel Troopers


Rebels Troopers

Medic Droid

Rebel Commandos (Strike Team)


Grappling hooks (not used)

Rebel Veterans




I was up against a Vader Boba list, 1 deathtroopers, 1 shoretroopers (no mortar), 1 scout sniper strike team, 2 stormtroopers and eweb. Major offensive, intercept transmissions. MY ATRTs got over to my opponent's troopers fairly quickly, r2 and r5 maxed out on repairs though by round 2 or 3. By round 4 all that was left was vader (heavily damaged), shoretroopers reduced to 2 men and the eweb so he gave up. I lost my veterans and sniper squad early, chewie and one rebel unit took a lot of damage, but everything else stayed more or less in tact.

Edited by Alan Noir

I would swap Commanding Presence for Improvised Orders, especially with how many different ranks you are bringing.