By Black Admiral, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Legion Kraków and Polish Armada Community have pleasure to invite you to 5th Polish National Championship of Star Wars: Armada system!!!


Situation in Poland is getting better everyday; regular playing is back, tournaments have high attendance again. Smile returned to players faces, especially that they can finally play with Wave VIII content released in first quarter of 2020. Due to those positive circumstances; we couldn’t imagine situation in which great Day of Armada; such as Polish Nationals; would’ve not happen! This is why we are inviting all of you to participate in that fantastic event! Great atmosphere, much fun - means a lot of good time to spend with our favourite wargame!

1. When and Where?:

26-27.09.2020 (Saturday, Sunday)

MDK Grunwaldzka

Grunwaldzka 5,


2. Registration:
You can register yourself under the post in this FB Event. People not having Facebook can register by sending an email under the title „Polish Masters Armada - Name and Surname” to daniel.u@wp.pl.

Players limit: 30

3. Prizes and Entry:

Prizes will contain some really good, rare pieces, as we managed to gather promos from early Armada kits; including e.g. Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer, or acrylic command tokens in a classic black version. The other part of fancy acrylic (and other) prizes will be provided by the One and Only; Jack Customs ( https://jackheadwear.pl/pl/c/Jack-Customs/2290810 )
Prizing panel will be based on Prize Tickets system; that will allow all players to get some attractive promos (more than just participation prize), despite the result they will achieve in the whole competition.
Detailed information about prizes will be provided in upcoming weeks.

4. Tournament Structure:

Day 1 (Saturday)

Registration: 08:45 - 09:10
Round 1: 09.15 - 11:30
Round 2: 11:45 - 14.00
Lunch Break: 14.00 - 14.45
Round 3: 14.45 - 17.00
Round 4: 17.15 - 19.30

Day 2 (Sunday)

- TOP 8:
Round 1: 10.00 - 12.15
Round 2: 12.30 - 14.45
Lunch Break: 14.45 - 15.30
Round 3: 15.30 - 17.45
Tournament summary: 18.00

Task Force tournament will be the side event this year. It will be based on rules from Rebellion in the Rim Rulebook, Objectives mentioned there are not allowed. Tournament points will be granted analogically to the standard table (shared by 2). Time of round: 75 min.
Round 1: 10.00 - 11.15
Round 2: 11.25 - 12.40
Round 3: 12:50 - 14.05
Lunch break: 14.05 - 14.45
Semifinals: 14.45 - 16.00
Final: 16.10 - 17.25
Tournament summary: 17.30
*Depending on attendance; structure of side event may change.

5. Regulations:

- No Proxy allowed

- Player is obliged to have all cards from the list and all basic components needed for the game

- Judge will be responsible of solving any potential controversial situations

- Regulations can be adjusted by organizers

- Players are obliged to respect newest FAQ, Rules Reference and Floor Rules - all Armada components released until 20.09.2020 are legal. Mentioned materials can be found here: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/star-wars-armada/

- Each player needs to have two printed copies of their list

6. Others:

  • In terms of Covid-19 situation; tournament will follow with all sanitary regulations. We would like to underline the fact that organizers take no responsibility of participants health situation. Armada community gathers intelligent, responsible people, that are capable of respect their and the other participants health - and this is the approach we are expecting.
  • All necessary hygiene products will be provided.

All additional information will be provided accordingly.

See you at the Championship and May the Force be with You!

Edited by Black Admiral

Update on tournament schedule.