Range 2 is really going to hurt this unit, even with movement 3, because there just are too many threats for such a low wound unit at range 2. I mean fleets aren't used for a lot of reasons, but Dewbacks came in and made them completely useless. If you are in range with Fleets to shoot a Dewback, he is in range to charge you, and the chances of you one shoting him are a lot lower than the chances of him one shoting you, and that was in a unit with a lot higher dice pool and wounds than this unit.
Yes they are much stronger in melee than Fleets are, but if the unit isn't wiped out on the initial charge, at least some of the unit should be dead, so the dice you are throwing back at it, are much lower than what it gets to throw at you.
I suppose with Jump 2 and movement 3, this unit can pretty much be where ever it wants to be on the battlefield and set the terms of the engagement. But it has so few options outside of range 2, that I just don't see them being a very effective offensive unit. The prominence of range 4 means this unit is going to get shot at a lot more often than it gets to shoot back, and it isn't even immune to pierce, so there is a good chance snipers can pick off very expensive models quite easily, if the Impervious roll doesn't come up with a double block.
To me I've just seen red defence die fail too many times to rely too much on it, and this unit seems to be designed around the idea that their armour will absorb most of the incoming damage, while they dart around the battlefield wrecking havoc, and I just don't see it working that way in practice. This unit is also really terrain dependant, it requires lots of high up pieces it can land on to take full advantage of its movement.
Edit -
Just noticed that Clan Wren isn't a 3 person unit, it is a "Strike Team", it lists that the unit only has 1 model in it, and requires one of the named Clan Wren upgrades. So even with 2 wounds it is only a 2 person unit. It seems designed as a way to get Ursa and Tristan, as minor heroes on the board without taking up a commander or operative slot.
Edited by Nithorian