The Road to Worlds Part VIII - Icarus

By Dashz, in Star Wars: Legion

Would you say that from a strictly competitive view republic is the strongest as things stand now? And by that I mean what has been released, and what we know of that is coming. Obviously things can and will change, but as things stand now.

Also thank you for the write up.

Edited by DFocke

I appreciate the write up!

Perhaps in future reports, if you're using colloquial names for lists, just a brief explanation of what it entails when you first use it? Or maybe just a link to the list if you know one.

We always learn the most from lost battles, and I understand that you lost to a Republic army that features Rex and...? Were there particular units, upgrades, or tactical options that his list had over yours, or was it just his turn 0 advantage?

I don't mean to be critical, I even googled it, but no luck.

But I appreciate the discussion around turn 0 stuff. The more I play this game, the more I realize how much the game is won and lost then. So the more insight I get there, the better off I'll be!