Hi I am currently an xwing player and decided to dip my toes into legion. I picked up the core set and a few expansions that quite frankly I bought because I liked the looks of the units. Here is what I currently have.
1 core box, 1 extra set of dice, Wookie Expansion, Chewbacca, Bossk, and imperial specialists.
I play board games with a couple friends and my son non competitively and build lists for fun and flavor rather than the current meta. I do plan on collecting both imperial and rebel units and I have no desire to expand into the clone wars stuff. Maaaaaaaaaaybe I might get into the seperatist stuff way down the road.
My question is given what I already have does a second core set still make the most sense to get me where I need to be or given the price of the older expansions should I go that route to flesh out my armies? If I should skip the core box do you guys have a recommendation on a couple units on each side that won’t over complicate the rules while me and my son are still learning. He’s 14 and plays magic the gathering and xwing with me. I appreciate any help.