Custom Mr Bones Deployment

By El_Lalotreto, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Hello there everybody, hope you're alright!

I've made a Deployment (and planing to make a figure) for everybodys favorite (canon) Droid: Mr Bones!


Here's a preview, but i'll love if you could give me your opinions or general idea on this deployment.

Anyways, thanks!

Awesome, I remember this guy from the Aftermath books.

Not sure why you'd ever use the Violence attack though? It's significantly weaker than the normal attack, and harder to use since it's melee.

The health is also a bit low.

I think this figure should be costing 6 points. As Tvboy said, Violence is weaker than the normal attack, which could be solved with "This attack gains: Pierce 3, Bleed."