CIS is no longer the innumerable horde of soulless cowardly automatons lead by lightsaber wielding Jedi-killers.
With the release of Cad Bane, there's some new tactics available to us, and there's a lot to take in. I figured I'd wait til I had it all in my hands before I really tried to wrap my head around him--specfically the use of "I'll Make the Rules Now" and Bane Tokens.
Initially, I was impressed by the Divulge version of the card, allowing you to deploy 3 tokens outside of range 1 of all deployment zones. However, when I saw the bit about both players getting the option to flip one at the start of each turn, I cooled off on that use of the card. The "Kablamo!" Token is so good, and your opponent is never going to get hit by it if they get to flip them over at the start of their turn. Assuming you flip Bane on turn 1 then the bomb will be flipped on turn 2 at the latest.
So then I started looking at using "I Make the Rules Now" as a regular command card. I want to blow something up gosh dangit!
I played a battle against rebels yesterday that went very badly for a lot of reasons. We played Recover the Supplies on Long March. I used Cad to rocket-hop over a wall, park next to a crate with intent to grab it next turn, and he shot up some commandos. The plan was to grab it up quick, then set a bomb to cover his escape. And that was all going fine. Elsewhere was disastrous. I bum rushed the center crate with waves of droids. One squad got there and surrounded it. Then an AT-RT strolled up, barely in range of 1 droid with the flamethrower. Squad deleted. Then Dooku's lighting killed one too many rebels in a squad so I couldn't scatter the squad into range 1 and force pull them out of cover with a droid squad on standby. Then Luke took full health Dooku with a dodge token down with Son of Skywalker. We called it there, because his 2 AT-RTs were going to just wipe 2 squads a turn. I could've certainly killed 1 in the next turn, but would be down to just Cad and an AAT--not enough to win the scenario.
I was wracking my brain as to where I failed (other than the inherent risks of running a 7 activation list--just wanted to try all my new toys) . I concluded that I just shouldn't have pushed for the center crate. I should've just grabbed the 2 easy ones, let my opponent grab his 2 easy ones, and let it come down to killing more.
But it occured to me hours later, that the Divulge version of IMTRN would've almost certainly won me the game. I could have put the "Here I am" Token on the center crate, and the other 2 flanking a doorway to a wall overlooking the crate on my opponent's side. I flip Bane, claim, and move for cover on turn 1. My opponent has a 50/50 chance of flipping the bomb, and if they don't, they can't get within range 1 of that door on the first turn. Even if they did flip the bomb on the first try, I'd still have enough distance to get to cover before he could bring Cad down.
So that was my "A-ha Moment" for Cad Bane. I thought I'd share just in case it might help someone else. If anyone else has some nifty tricks they've pulled (or wished they could have) please comment below!
Other gimmicks I want to try:
-Using IMTRN to plant a kablamo token, then later use Dooku to toss a unit into it.
-Using IMTRN to plant a smoke and mirrors token then teleport Bane over to it at the start of activation to get a crucial "free move".