Nowhere to be found...

By Khorneholio, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is Descent being discontinued? It seems to be out of stock almost everywhere and some of the stores say they have no idea when it will be back in stock.

kensai13 said:

Is Descent being discontinued? It seems to be out of stock almost everywhere and some of the stores say they have no idea when it will be back in stock.

They have both the base game and ToI listed on their Upcoming page as being reprinted but no date for them. I think the chances of Descent being discontinued are very very small. They more than likely just are just between print cycles on it.

Usually the original set is easy to find but the expansions are difficult :(

At least that is true of my region here in Singapore.

That link you list above Redcrow is now out of stock too. Probably only had a couple of copies left.

Additionally every supplier in the UK that I have looked at (lots!) is out of stock too. There are none available on amazon sellers or ebay either side of the pond.

Seems the print run could be completely dry...

I'm the one who recommended Boardgame Revolution (they did indeed sell their copies thanks to this forum). Glad some of you got a copy.

I know for a fact that at least one or two of my FLGS have copies left. I could take a look and we could do a BGG transaction. Send me a PM and I'll look around.

Hey, been trying, but can't work out how to PM.

Never mind, you've given me a great idea anyway. Been checking all the retailers but not the FLGS. Just phoned round a couple and I think I've found one who has a copy. Costs a couple of quid more, but hey.


ddavidc said:

I'm the one who recommended Boardgame Revolution (they did indeed sell their copies thanks to this forum). Glad some of you got a copy.

Thanks again for that link. I just got an email confirmation today that my order has shipped! Woo Hoo!

Ive been trying for just over a fortnight now and like iain can't find it anywhere at all on the internet other than the used £250 copy on Amazon.

I hope this "shipping" includes Europe and is reasonably soon too, my gaming group were pretty psyched about Descent up until we realised it was just downright impossible to get despite the expansions being in abundance.

With that said its great to see such an active community involved with improving the game for others, hats off to FF for enabling that even if us noobs can only watch from the sidelines for now.


If you don't mind high shipping costs, I think two of my FLGS have copies on the shelf right now. Send me a PM if interested.

Every man, woman, and child deserves a copy of JitD. If I were a beauty queen (ahem!) that'd be my wish over world peace.

Good News Everyone!

According to FFG's Upcoming page (link above) the base Descent game *has* been reprinted and is currently "On the Boat" so should be back on store shelves within a month or two.

TeufelHund said:

Good News Everyone!

According to FFG's Upcoming page (link above) the base Descent game *has* been reprinted and is currently "On the Boat" so should be back on store shelves within a month or two.

That's great to hear! My group (in Scandinavia) has been looking for a copy of the base game for some time now. Hopefully it will get to Europe soon.

So I spoke to a number of FLGS in the UK, none of whom have it, but they all did confirm that the reprint should be shipping to Europe so within the next 1-2 months it will be back in stores. I'll pick it up then, and I've ordered Doom and Middle Earth Quest in the mean time.

I must say, it seems a bit of an epic fail on behalf of FFG. Apparantly the game has been out of print for 3 months prior, and the same goes for War of the Ring and Fury of Dracula (the latter of which is still a long time away from a reprint). If I was running a company selling games, I wouldn't want 5-6 month periods between print runs when my customers can't buy anything. Ok, so its a hobby industry, and some people may wait around, but others will just go and buy another game instead...