Can we talk about Iron Man?

By urloony, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

I've been playing MC a little more lately, which has been nice. My favorite has always been She-Hulk from the start and I play a justice deck that seems unbeatable. Most of the time I'm playing solo games, but recently played with family who hadn't played much before and built an Iron Man deck for my brother who wanted to try out Iron Man. I've tried all of the popular deck concepts from MarvelCDB, but don't ever feel much synergy with Iron Man and any of the aspects. I'm hoping someone here may have a breakthrough that I'm missing.

Some of my observations whenever I play Iron Man

  • generally takes multiple rounds before IM can start dealing damage
  • Repulsor Blast is so unpredictable, I typically use it to pay for other cards. (When you do use it, it's a loss of 7 cards no matter what)
  • Getting the aerial trait is unnecessarily hard
    • Draw Rocket Boots
    • Pay for Rocket Boots
    • hope you have a mental resource to dispose of to get aerial for only that one round!
    • When compared to Dr. Srange's Cloak of Levitation, it's laughable.
    • Even if you manage to get the aerial trait for a round, Powered Gauntlet now does 2 damage instead of 1, which seems like too much effort for such little payoff
  • The reward for building Iron Man's armor is also minimal. It would be nice for Repulsar blast, or any of Iron Man's abilities be based on the number of armor tech pieces you've been able to build. Instead of decking out to use Repulsor Blast, make Repulsor Blast +2 damage for each Armor piece you've built.
  • There are other issues, but I'll leave it here.

This is not intended to trash the game, its designers, or to be "hating on" Iron Man. I'm genuinely curious how some of you Iron Man players out there synergize his deck in a way that is consistent and predictable and overcome the limitations inherent in his design.

I don't play Iron Man enough to go into depth on his synergy with Aspects, other than the extra Tech in Protection, so I'll leave that to others. What is worth noting is the synergies within his own cards and how much damage his cards are capable of.

For damage, his kit contains three Repulsor Blasts, two Supersonic Punch, two Powered Gauntlets, and War Machine. That's half his hero cards! He needs it since a base ATK of 1 is hardly exciting but it also works reasonably well with how he plays. Repulsor Blasts are indeed high-variance but that can be played into with deck construction and I find them best used either on the boss or early in the turn on big minions so I know how much extra damage I need to apply if Repulsors don't defeat them. Supersonic Punch is perfectly playable without Aerial but oh-so-sweet with that extra damage. Powered Gauntlets are great pingers that get a bit better with Aerial - they can't be big chunks of damage because of how reusable they are. War Machine isn't great unless you're in minion-heavy scenarios. Since he has a lot of damage-dealing capability in his own cards I like to play him in Aspects that round him out rather than do more of the same, so I really like IM with Protection and Justice while avoiding the redundancies in Aggression.

As for Aerial and his own synergies, they go hand in hand. Tony does want to be Aerial for maximum effect but it's hardly necessary to do on every turn. He has the potential to get more from Aerial than Dr. Strange, Thor, or Captain Marvel which is a balancing factor that makes IM's Aerial more of a hoop to jump through. Right now Tony's Aerial capability is tied to Rocket Boots but it's easy for him to find them (Alter Ego ability, Stark Tower), they're super cheap, and you don't need both Boots in play to do even better Aerial. Having a Mental Resource ready when you need it can be tricky so Enhanced Awareness, Quincarrier, and good planning with Pepper Potts can help there. I get good use from one or two copies of Enhanced Awareness in the deck, depending on how much I expect to need Aerial. Obviously Energy resources are nice for a big Repulsor Blast, just remember that's only 3/40 cards that when deckbuilding and make room for some Mentals since they're often more useful on a turn by turn basis. So what does building the armor really do for IM?

  • Arc Reactor - the most important single piece IMO since it doubles the amount of actions your identity card can take
  • Mark V Armor - extra HP, ranges between decent to lifesaver
  • Mark V Helmet - reusable threat removal that can get better with Aerial
  • Powered Gauntlets - 1-2 damage doesn't seem like a lot but you can have two out and each copy will do 1-2 damage every turn until the end of the game which can really add up with Aerial
  • Rocket Boots - your Aerial enabler!

The decision to go Aerial on a turn is directly related to both what you want to play from hand and need to accomplish on the board. If the only card in play or in hand that cares about Aerial is a single Powered Gauntlets then it's rarely worth spending the resource to lift off. On the other hand, having both Powered Gauntlets, the Helmet, and a Supersonic Punch in hand can turn that one Mental Resource into six (four from Punch plus one each from Gauntlets) extra damage and extra threat removed if there's more than one scheme in play. That's not even a best case scenario or terribly difficult to set up. And while IM's armor cards don't all interact with each other to form an unstoppable juggernaut, getting more pieces out means more actions that can be taken (besides the action-less Mark V Armor).

In the end, IM absolutely ramps up effectiveness as he builds throughout the game and does at times need some good decision-making to get the most out of him for a turn versus building more. That's why he's fun to me and I hope he'll be more fun, or at least interesting, to you.

3 hours ago, BCumming said:

Repulsor Blasts are indeed high-variance but that can be played into with deck construction and I find them best used either on the boss or early in the turn on big minions so I know how much extra damage I need to apply if Repulsors don't defeat them.

Using Repulsors early sounds like a good strategy. The challenge I have found using them early on is the risk of dumping Stark Tower or Pepper off the top, coupled with challenge of switching to IM early and having the dramatic hand size reduction you face for the next round with one or two cards in hand. The handsize is such a severe penalty, for me, it becomes a decision of whether or not to hang onto Repulsors or toss them to pay for an armor piece and draw a full hand for the next round.

3 hours ago, BCumming said:

Powered Gauntlets are great pingers that get a bit better with Aerial - they can't be big chunks of damage because of how reusable they are.

Playing She-Hulk and now Doctor Strange, and to a certain degree, Spider-Man, have the opportunity to do huge burst damage on turn one or two, it has spoiled me for the subtlties of pinging the enemy down. Perhaps that's the strategy I need to grow accustomed to with IM is to do small thwarts and small ping damage. IM always seems to be on the edge of losing, which makes for a unique nervous playstyle. I tend to go into a game with IM expecting to lose and surprised when I don't. Whereas with the aforementioned heroes, it's a question of: can the villain win this time?

3 hours ago, BCumming said:

I really like IM with Protection and Justice while avoiding the redundancies in Aggression.

Perhaps I need to explore Protection and Justice more. I have been primarily playing Aggression to boost damage output. IM seems so "pingy" with damage, he feels like needs the boost from Aggression. Perhaps Justice is the way to go in order to buy more time building and hope your allies can manage the minions that come out. Do you have a link to an of your successful deck builds for Iron Man?

3 hours ago, BCumming said:

Having a Mental Resource ready when you need it can be tricky so Enhanced Awareness, Quincarrier, and good planning with Pepper Potts can help there.

Quincarrier is a good idea, and may be the way to go. I've tried using Enhanced Awareness, but find whenever I have it hand, I that I usually want to spend the three resources on something else more immediate.

3 hours ago, BCumming said:

The decision to go Aerial on a turn is directly related to both what you want to play from hand and need to accomplish on the board. If the only card in play or in hand that cares about Aerial is a single Powered Gauntlets then it's rarely worth spending the resource to lift off. On the other hand, having both Powered Gauntlets, the Helmet, and a Supersonic Punch in hand can turn that one Mental Resource into six extra damage and extra threat removed if there's more than one scheme in play.

My Iron Man is usually long dead before I get a chance for the full armor to be up and running. I typically deck out just before losing, or the occasional win. It almost seems like when you play IM you should plan on decking out at least once. Run through your deck to build the suite and then spend your next reshuffle defeating the villain. Buying enough time to last that long seems to be the challenge.

Iron Man for me, is by far the hardest hero to play. I haven't had a chance to dig into my Black Widow pack yet, but after looking at her nemesis, it sounds like she has her work cut out for her too.

For solo I have had good results pairing Iron Man with Leadership. Mulligan most if not all your tech at the start because you can pull it back out later with Stark Tower. Then I burn through the deck as fast as possible with the main goal of my first time through getting in play at least Stark Tower, Arc Reactor, and Mark V Armor. The more tech pieces after that the better. Pepper is nice but not essential. Use allies that trigger an enter play ability, use them up with Get Ready, and put them back in play with Make the Call. They manage the game while you suit up. If not necessary only put one pair of Rocket Boots in play and use the other as your mental resource to trigger aerial, pulling it from discard with Stark Tower when in alter ego healing. After most if not all your tech is in play reverse roles with Iron Man now managing threat and minions, keep recurring allies for their effects & to attack, and Supersonic Punch can finish off larger minions or villains. Try dumping everything you can into your discard and playing from it instead of the deck/your hand. It doesn't use a lot of Leadership cards. First Aid, Emergency, & even Haymaker make good filler plus 2 are energy resources to help power Repulsor Blast.

I’d say Aggression is the worst aspect with Iron Man - he has plenty of damage - you just don’t want to play much of it until you’re set up. Aggressively mulligan, get tech out quickly - I usually try to get to a 4 hand size so I can flip quickly, control the threat and wait for your set up to be complete. Once you have everything out, go aerial and play as many Repulsor blasts and Super sonic punches as possible and you’ll generally burn the villain down very fast - most people have enough energy in the deck that a Repulsor blast will consistently hit 9+ damage for 1, but I don’t play it early game at all. By the time you’re playing it, you’re 1-3 turns away from winning anyway, so you don’t really care about all the cards you’re discarding.

Justice or Protection are my favourite aspects with him - Justice helps control the threat long enough for you to set up and attack and Protection has Energy Barriers which help you get set up quicker as they’re additional tech cards.

Iron Man is one of my top 3 overall so far. I play him a lot when we play 4 players.

I've got great use out of him as Justice, purely because of the Energy Resources that deck provides. Also, this helps make up for the fact that the first 2 villain phases I am usually in Alter-Ego mode.

Generally, round 3 I switch, but sometimes round 2.

By round 4 I'm starting each round with 7 cards, which is really high. Without playing any cards, I'm outputting 2 damage and 5 thwart every round (Helmet and Iron Man Thwart twice due to him being able to stand up once). Because of the high amount of Energy Cards in my deck, Repulsor Blasts average 9 damage for me (although I have hit 13 twice before). In a 4 player game, I can often be the only character thwarting, and just Iron Man I'm able to do it all on my own, and every other round or so, easily drop 20+ damage. Iron Man just feels broken, but you have to build your deck for him.

It is worth mentioning, that once my deck is down to around 23 cards (start with a 40 card deck and then have a bunch of cards out because you're Iron Man), and on top of Repulsor Blasts, you're going through your deck at least once every second round. That extra Encounter Card though is worth it.

I love Iron Man.

12 hours ago, urloony said:

My Iron Man is usually long dead before I get a chance for the full armor to be up and running. I typically deck out just before losing, or the occasional win. It almost seems like when you play IM you should plan on decking out at least once. Run through your deck to build the suite and then spend your next reshuffle defeating the villain. Buying enough time to last that long seems to be the challenge.

Iron Man for me, is by far the hardest hero to play. I haven't had a chance to dig into my Black Widow pack yet, but after looking at her nemesis, it sounds like she has her work cut out for her too.

You don't need the full armor out but you should prioritize finding Tech and putting it into play during your first two turns so you're in a good position with hand size when flipping to IM mode. You'll want to keep building up to that 7-card hand size as turns progress, though 5-card will be fine for a while early and 6-card is plenty. Tony is pretty much guaranteed to deck himself out at least once during a game and that's fine. I rarely play Repulsor Blasts during my first time through my deck but they're very handy for removing a big minion or sometimes putting Tech in your discard pile for Stark Tower to bring back. Threat is absolutely a problem during those first two turns if you're playing solo so I find focusing on lowering for the next couple of turns after going hero. You may find Justice suits him well for that. If you're looking for early burst damage, he can do it with the right draws and luck but he's much more geared for building up for a few turns then switching to butt-kicking mode.

I don't play much solo and only get to play a 3-player game once a week online so I wouldn't call me the best deckbuilder. I used this Justice deck a few weeks ago and it cleaned up Threat nicely after the typical 2-3 turns of building in Tony mode:

10 hours ago, BCumming said:

I rarely play Repulsor Blasts during my first time through my deck but they're very handy for removing a big minion or sometimes putting Tech in your discard pile for Stark Tower to bring back.

This is a good point, if you already have Stark Tower up, it can help finding tech along with futurist. Your deck link doesn't seem to work do to sharing setting on your Marvelcdb account. I may try Justice and see if that buys more time early on to help set him up. It's tough paying for cards to mitigate threat and invest in armor items that don't offer much value early on, which certainly adds to the challenge of playing Iron Man.

10 hours ago, urloony said:

This is a good point, if you already have Stark Tower up, it can help finding tech along with futurist. Your deck link doesn't seem to work do to sharing setting on your Marvelcdb account. I may try Justice and see if that buys more time early on to help set him up. It's tough paying for cards to mitigate threat and invest in armor items that don't offer much value early on, which certainly adds to the challenge of playing Iron Man.

Futurist is great for milling the deck to reach Stark Tower and Pepper quickly; It depends on the villain, but I’d prioritize the +6 health armor upgrade and the untap chest upgrade. The former keeps you standing, the latter doubles your efficiency (recover every turn, for example).

In solo you’ll want to lean on your allies for bringing down minions until you’re fully up and running.

Iron Man has been pretty dominant for us. We use a Leadership build. We switched to a protection build for awhile, but it wasnt as good. Iron Man/Leadership is the only pairing that has allowed us to beat Ultron in multi-player expert so far.

Leadership allows him to build up (allies can thwart) an even go hero mode early with some protectors.

Discarding a single card to get +1 or +2 thwart and +1 or +2 damage is ridiculous value...not to mention +1 card, +1 Health, and maybe +4 off supersonic punch

The Arc Reactor is basically the Cloak of Levitation and Sorcerer Supreme rolled into a cheaper package (3 cards less).

20 hours ago, urloony said:

This is a good point, if you already have Stark Tower up, it can help finding tech along with futurist. Your deck link doesn't seem to work do to sharing setting on your Marvelcdb account. I may try Justice and see if that buys more time early on to help set him up. It's tough paying for cards to mitigate threat and invest in armor items that don't offer much value early on, which certainly adds to the challenge of playing Iron Man.

Lets try this link!

Iron Man is my favourite hero and yes he isn't for everyone but he can be played solo (up to Expert) as well as Heroic (up to Heroic 3 depending on the villain and the other team members) very well.

Yes Iron Man takes between 3 and 5 turns to fully armour up but you really should look to flip to Iron Man on turn 3 regardless so you can help the team (or yourself if solo) to manage threat. Once Iron Man has his arc reactor he can thwart twice for 4 THW or THW for 2 then flip back to Tony to heal while waiting for the rest of the armour. Like Thor he takes a little getting used to but both need a bit of thwart and ramping to become game winners (Iron Man actually is probably easier than Thor in this regards).

Iron Man Justice is the best aspect obviously. You can almost guarantee by mid game for your repulsor blast to do anything from 7 to 11 damage for only the cost of 1.

Aerial is valuable for a number of reasons:

1. Both gauntlets do 2 rather than 1 damage which is great for getting rid of 2 point minions and Ultron drones;

2. Mark V helmet takes off 1 from all schemes (really great when playing Heroic when multiple side schemes are the norm or up against Wrecking Crew);

3. Supersonic Punch does 8 rather than 4 damage for 2 cost

I'll buy all that for one mental resource!

To get that mental resource without stacking your deck put in three Enhanced Awarenesses and use them exclusively for your jet boots. This way you can have both boots on and get that extra HP rather than use it as just a fuel card.

Iron Man is not for everybody but for those who love the character he performs exactly like he should and you get that real feel of building the armour which is part of the fun with him.

9 hours ago, James Ravenwood said:

To get that mental resource without stacking your deck put in three Enhanced Awarenesses and use them exclusively for your jet boots. This way you can have both boots on and get that extra HP rather than use it as just a fuel card.

I personally wouldn't use more than 2 copies of Enhanced Awareness in an Iron Man deck. And more to the point, I tend to use the Quincarrier instead. The only real issue there is that you can't play it in Alter-Ego, so if can be hard to get out in solo.

1 hour ago, SpiderMana said:

I personally wouldn't use more than 2 copies of Enhanced Awareness in an Iron Man deck. And more to the point, I tend to use the Quincarrier instead. The only real issue there is that you can't play it in Alter-Ego, so if can be hard to get out in solo.

Interesting. I've also always included 3 copies of Enhanced Awareness in my Iron Man deck for the purpose of jet boot fuel. It's never really slowed the deck and I typically like to ensure I have one out at all times. I'll have to try with just two and see how it goes.

You bring up a point of discussion here. Would you still recommend only two copies of Enhanced Awareness if you don't take the Quincarrier?

I personally avoid the use of the Quincarrier unless I can justify it since it's unique. It's obviously not an issue in solo, but it can get messy in multiplayer. Some heroes work much better with the Quincarrier while it's just a good addition for others. It's super annoying when you actually really need the Quincarrier and another player plays it and they don't necessarily need it. I'm not saying don't use it. I think its good to be mindful about it though. If you can build a strong, viable deck without it, do it. Other players who may actually really need it will appreciate it.


2 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

I personally wouldn't use more than 2 copies of Enhanced Awareness in an Iron Man deck. And more to the point, I tend to use the Quincarrier instead. The only real issue there is that you can't play it in Alter-Ego, so if can be hard to get out in solo.

I would play at most 1... He already has board building to do, why play a 3-for-3 delayed resource card that doesnt improve your board at all.

28 minutes ago, The Archangel said:

Interesting. I've also always included 3 copies of Enhanced Awareness in my Iron Man deck for the purpose of jet boot fuel. It's never really slowed the deck and I typically like to ensure I have one out at all times. I'll have to try with just two and see how it goes.

You bring up a point of discussion here. Would you still recommend only two copies of Enhanced Awareness if you don't take the Quincarrier?

I personally avoid the use of the Quincarrier unless I can justify it since it's unique. It's obviously not an issue in solo, but it can get messy in multiplayer. Some heroes work much better with the Quincarrier while it's just a good addition for others. It's super annoying when you actually really need the Quincarrier and another player plays it and they don't necessarily need it. I'm not saying don't use it. I think its good to be mindful about it though. If you can build a strong, viable deck without it, do it. Other players who may actually really need it will appreciate it.


14 minutes ago, IceHot42 said:

I would play at most 1... He already has board building to do, why play a 3-for-3 delayed resource card that doesnt improve your board at all.

I like 2 Enhanced Awareness to boost your odds of finding one, and I only tend to put one in play at a time, and only after the armor is fairly well-built. So it doesn't really slow your armor-building. And you don't always need to use Enhanced for the physical resource, sometimes you've got one in hand or can Pepper for it. The reason to not run 3 is more about not clogging up your repulsor blasts, but that's a moot point if you're getting them all into play.

I don't actually run Enhanced at all if I'm bringing Quincarrier. You don't need multiple sources for Aerial, and if you're struggling to get Quincarrier out you can often use the 2nd boot to help until you do get it up.

As for multiplayer, sure, discuss who wants Quincarrier the most. But I don't think anyone but She-Hulk has a particularly good argument for needing it more than Iron Man.

I don't see the point of more than 2 Enhanced Awareness. I use 2 instead of 1 as sometimes it will get discarded then playing his Blasters Card (can't remember what it is called, but the one you discard 5 cards to see damage).

Once I'm going in IronMan, I go through my deck at least twice every 3 turns, so I get 2 chances to pick up the second Enhanced Awareness before the first one finishes.

41 minutes ago, SpiderMana said:

I like 2 Enhanced Awareness to boost your odds of finding one, and I only tend to put one in play at a time, and only after the armor is fairly well-built. So it doesn't really slow your armor-building. And you don't always need to use Enhanced for the physical resource, sometimes you've got one in hand or can Pepper for it. The reason to not run 3 is more about not clogging up your repulsor blasts, but that's a moot point if you're getting them all into play.

I don't actually run Enhanced at all if I'm bringing Quincarrier. You don't need multiple sources for Aerial, and if you're struggling to get Quincarrier out you can often use the 2nd boot to help until you do get it up.

As for multiplayer, sure, discuss who wants Quincarrier the most. But I don't think anyone but She-Hulk has a particularly good argument for needing it more than Iron Man.

Thanks for the feedback. I typically get 2 to 3 Enhanced Awareness in play and it's been moot for Repulsor Blasts cause the rest of the deck is stuffed with energy. Granted the EAs just sit out in my play area for most of the time, so they're dead space and can clog the deck like you said. Been considering tweaking it for that reason.

The majority of my plays are multiplayer, so those comments hold more gravity for me. The Quincarrier sounds like the optimal solution for Aerial, though the EAs work well too. I haven't considered Iron Man a high priority target for Quincarrier cause I've never felt starved for resources when playing him. So other heroes would get it first before Iron Man. That's why we share our experiences though. I'll have to give it a go.

1 hour ago, IceHot42 said:

I would play at most 1... He already has board building to do, why play a 3-for-3 delayed resource card that doesnt improve your board at all.

EA allows me to always have mental resources on tap for Aerial. I've always stuffed as much energy into Iron Man's deck as possible for the Repulsor Blasts. Mental cards are few and far between. No holding or waiting for cards just to go Aerial either with EA in play. So I think it does improve your board personally, but it's only one solution.

42 minutes ago, DarthofZA said:

I don't see the point of more than 2 Enhanced Awareness. I use 2 instead of 1 as sometimes it will get discarded then playing his Blasters Card (can't remember what it is called, but the one you discard 5 cards to see damage).

Once I'm going in IronMan, I go through my deck at least twice every 3 turns, so I get 2 chances to pick up the second Enhanced Awareness before the first one finishes.

I use 3 as a safety net to ensure I'm never at a loss for the mental resource since I made EA my sole source for boot fuel. The input here though has me wanting to tweak and experiment with it though.

Yup, I agree. I go through Iron Man's deck every other turn too. It's nice to read other player's are having success with 2 EA's or less and I can optimize the deck more.

2 hours ago, The Archangel said:

I haven't considered Iron Man a high priority target for Quincarrier cause I've never felt starved for resources when playing him. So other heroes would get it first before Iron Man. That's why we share our experiences though. I'll have to give it a go.

Yeah, the way I see it the only real reason to bring Quincarrier > Helicarrier in multiplayer is for effects that require a specific resource, especially since you can share the Helicarrier action. It's not that Iron Man can't pay for things broadly speaking, but he has a fairly important mental-cost effect while wanting most of his deck to be energy. She-Hulk's Super-Human Law Division is the only other signature card that requires a specific resource and no way to feed it (Cap can use Serum for his attack kicker, Thor can use God of Thunder for Lightning Strike)--off the top of my head, anyways.

Beyond that, it depends on the build. Aggression is getting a lot more kicker-specific cards, especially the ones that require 3 physical resources. So that'll open it up for more builds that might care for the Quincarrier > Helicarrier.

I can see the value of Quincarrier for Iron Man but I feel others can use it better than just fueling boots. Once the armour is built I will play up to all three if possible and then use the extras to power other cards. That being said As was already stated Iron Man rushes through his deck so quickly 2 are usually enough if you want to keep your deck down to 40.

9 hours ago, James Ravenwood said:

I can see the value of Quincarrier for Iron Man but I feel others can use it better than just fueling boots. Once the armour is built I will play up to all three if possible and then use the extras to power other cards. That being said As was already stated Iron Man rushes through his deck so quickly 2 are usually enough if you want to keep your deck down to 40.

Just fueling boots is an interesting way to look at it. Fully set up and holding a Super sonic punch you get quite a bit out of that 1 resource, particularly if there are some side schemes out...

For me, Ironman is a priority target for Quincarrier.

Being able to consistently go aerial every turn without having to worry about where the mental resource is going to come from is extremely good, it is way better and more consistent than Enhanced Awareness (Tho getting Quincarrier early is feel bad).

It is good with She'hulk's Superhuman Law Division so you could make a case to give it to her if you were playing both and come August, Hulk will also want the card pretty bad.

The other main uses for Quincarrier's wild resource are for Vision, Nova, and Jarnbjorn, which are cards that require a specific resource turn after turn and for all of those, the 1 resource turns into 2 damage, but with IM, going aerial gets you 2 damage plus more.

Edited by Deadwolf
On 7/26/2020 at 2:48 AM, Deadwolf said:

For me, Ironman is a priority target for Quincarrier.

Being able to consistently go aerial every turn without having to worry about where the mental resource is going to come from is extremely good, it is way better and more consistent than Enhanced Awareness (Tho getting Quincarrier early is feel bad).

I hadn't thought much about Quincarrier, since I've always been using multiple Hellicariers. In solo play, Quincarrier seems like a no brainer.

On 7/26/2020 at 2:48 AM, Deadwolf said:

It is good with She'hulk's Superhuman Law Division so you could make a case to give it to her if you were playing both and come August, Hulk will also want the card pretty bad.

The other main uses for Quincarrier's wild resource are for Vision, Nova, and Jarnbjorn, which are cards that require a specific resource turn after turn and for all of those, the 1 resource turns into 2 damage, but with IM, going aerial gets you 2 damage plus more.

Excellent points. I typically use She-Hulk as my goto, and Superhuman Law Division is often hard to pull off. Do you play with multiple Quincarriers, and if so do you ever play 3?

4 hours ago, urloony said:

I hadn't thought much about Quincarrier, since I've always been using multiple Hellicariers. In solo play, Quincarrier seems like a no brainer.

Excellent points. I typically use She-Hulk as my goto, and Superhuman Law Division is often hard to pull off. Do you play with multiple Quincarriers, and if so do you ever play 3?

Quincarrier is unique so you can only have 1.

I typically still only run 2 neutral resource generators, tho I do sometimes run 3.