Raising Theology to 4?

By Akasha666, in Rules Questions

Hello and excuse me if the topic can be of little interest...

I only wanted to ask for a suggestion for my pg progression, since my Soshi Illusionist has almost reached grade 3 of her curriculum and I'm wondering if spending 8 points (it's in the grade 2 school curriculum, so full progression here) in order to reach Theology 4.
She's a Shugenja/Shinobi/Courtier heavily based on invocations, obviously in Air (3) and Water (3) rings. Do you think 4 Theology is a waste of points and I should better wait to raise those rings at 4 instead? (I'll eventually do it for the higher level invocations) or maybe in the long run, an high Theology attribute will fit well? My Fire and Earth rings are at 2, even if I don't find many useful invocations in those rings for my style, in fact I've raised these rings for practical purposes. The only fire invocation I like is the Katana of Flame, but with only 2 black dices to keep I can't exploit it well and I have to use Bo of water. I find this fire weapon enchanting invocation way too strong compared to the other rings weapon counterparts, because it's the only spell which grants supernatural damage to a single target without having a party suicidal AOE)

Thank you very much

Edited by Akasha666

For a shugenja, while Theology 4 is good, I would definitely prefer the rings.

Well, if it’s going to take 7-8 xp to increase from rank 2 to rank 3 in the school progression, then I say, theology 4 might be a good option, but if its less than that, then perhaps the rings would be more useful.