Rules question: Spiff

By Hunter42, in Cosmic Encounter

Another rules question regarding the spiff:

I understand that they may leave a ship on a planet even if they loose. But I am confused due to the last sentence on the alien description stating: They may coexist only if the other alien or place does not state otherwise.

1. Which places might that be ?

2. If I loose, what is the probability that the other alien will let me coexist on their planet ? NIL, or ? And may the other alien decide to not coexist with me at any time ? Like: Hmmm, dont like you anymore, i redraw my coexist decision.

Any help ?


No circumstance yet exists that would prevent Spiff from co-existing on a planet with another player. However, in previous editions there was the Filth alien, which no other alien could be on the same planet as, and the moons, which only had enough space for 1 ship on them. It is possible that these or other such circumstances may find their way into this edition in an expansion as well. You cannot prevent Spiff from co-existing with you just by saying so, it must actually be part of your alien power.

Thx for the quick reply. THAT makes sense.

Sorry for asking, but as a newbie to CE I think the sentence used on the alien decription is confusing (and as a NON-native speaker of cause :-)
