"Leveling" Up Adversaries.

By Grungyape, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I know, SW doesn't have levels, but I do know that as the players gain XP, the adversaries need to adapt.

The Long Story:

At *cough* 50, I've run RPG games at my house, and local game stores, for nearly 25 years. D&D (most versions), Pathfinder, Iron Kingdoms and now d6 Star Wars. Most of those games were designed to say if your level x you fight monster y. Some had tools to say, if party has combined xp x, give them combined monster xp y. Because the nature of those games was very standard, you could basically drop a few more points of hp and damage on anything, and fix the problem, or just swap out a monster from the book that was pre-made for level z. Not always fun, but it worked in a pinch.

I don't see that in Star Wars. I wish I had enough time to mod, adapt, rewrite my adversaries, pick out new weapons, talents, skills, etc. to fit my players xp values as we go, but I often don't... I don't want to seem lazy, but at my age, and job, I'm looking for a few easy tricks. I don't want to lose the kids, and now adults, I have coming to game each week, but I can't seem to find enough tricks to understand how to keep pace with the characters.


Is there a tool for advancing adversaries to fit better with player xp levels?

Good rule of thumb, that if the adversary has 1 dice less than the players it's a decent challenge. (1 per 2 players for rivals, 1on1 can get nasty with combat oriented NPCs)

Compare the gear and dice with your players and tune accordingly.

Take all the player relevant skills, for example Ranged Light, add them up and get the average SKILL RANKS.. then give that rank to a Rival or Nemesis... have the Rivals/Nemesis employ a group of minions (lots of groups) - Jabba is ALWAYS surrounded by his minions and Rival level mooks...

have a group of 6 minions look like two groups of three.. minions don't have to be neatly grouped or lined up to be taken out by a grenade.. Yes they can at start level, but when the PC's start racking up the damage output, match it... send in Journey Bounty Hunters (1 per player) employed by a Master BH used to assess the group, take a note of the amount of damage that each PC can throw out with one success.... one success and two advantages (i'm looking at you Dual Wielding)... one success and advantage (Dual Wielding with attachments and mods).. two light blasters throw out 12 damage with 1 success and 2 advanatges,,,,enough to wipe out a minion group if two players have their turn before the minions get to act

There's enough 'named' npcs in the A&A splat, just change the names too :)

or factor in a ship to ship combat.. 4-6 fighters should do it... then they may start wasting credits errrmm I mean investing in their ship for a bit

Edited by DidntFallAsleep66
17 minutes ago, DidntFallAsleep66 said:

There's enough 'named' npcs in the A&A splat, just change the names too :)

OK, this is very much what I used to do in other games, so this helps.

If you don't want to fiddle around with the stats too much, adding adversary also helps raising the difficulty (if only slightly).

If you want to bump up your Minions try adding a Sergeant / Captain / Leader Rival to the mix with Talents like Suppressive Fire and/or Abilities like Tactical Direction, they buff the rest without drastically bumping the difficulty but make encounters more interesting.

And don't ever underestimate larger Minion Groups, they get scary real quick.
I think my players still remember the first Stormtrooper Squad they encountered, and those were only 5 Stormtroopers but they kicked their butts so hard it still hurts xD

Stuff about how to balance with regards to characteristics and skills have already been mentioned, I think it's alway important to look at what your players' capabilities are.
You might also try just creating a quick and dirty character with the same xp amount as your players with the CharacterEditor, that helps me to at least some times 😃