Hi all - thought I'd share some painting stuff I've been doing (mostly) over the last few months. Special shout out to @Drasnighta for the super helpful guides. I really didn't start painting until about a year and half ago and those guides were awesome. Thanks bud!
I really don't like the sculpt for the X-Wing. Plus, they were the earliest things I painted. So, at the beginning of the quarantine, I soaked all of mine in Simple Green for a week or so, then scrubbed them and started over. I added some green stuff to make simple nosecones on the models. I think they turned out better than my first ones in any case. Here's Luke:
And Wedge:
I liked Mel's version of the T-70 sculpt still better, though, so I ordered some of those to play with:
Edited by Aahz 1