Besides four Fangs, a triple Silencer list is my favorite archetype to play. The look of the ship is amazing, the dial is outstanding and I can fly my beloved Kylo Ren. In addition I really like lists where I have to practice a lot to be really successful.
The first list I played had Blackout + 2 FO Test Pilots (all with Fanatical+Optics) in it. I loved that one. Unfortunately it's not as good in Extended as it is in Hyperspace. As the Hotshot & Aces Reinforcement Pack arrived I tried "Rush" a couple of times (together with Blackout & Kylo). In an Extended meta you have to run Kylo and Blackout because they're I5. "Rush" on the other hand never felt worth the 57 points compared to an I1 or I4 generic. Putting him on the table means no upgrades for my list because I want at least a 4-5 point bid. After playing around with different pilots and upgrades I finally looked at the I1 Sienar-Jaemus Engineer. She only costs 51 points, is an excellent blocker and a perfect candidate for Advanced Optics because this card is way better on low initiative ships than it is on high initiative ships. The cheap pricepoint means Blackout can equip Fanatical which is one of the best upgrades you can put on a Silencer. So we have a list:
Kylo Ren (76)
“Blackout” (63)
Fanatical (2)
Jul (Sienar-Jaemus Engineer) (51)
Advanced Optics (4)
Total: 196
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0
No ship is overloaded. It has an awesome blocker and two strong aces.
I will call the Sienar-Jaemus Engineer "Jul" from now on. She is amazing!
Played 3 games with this list so far and took pictures of the match I had yesterday. Will report back after I finished editing the pictures.
Edited by Ryuneke