
By DidntFallAsleep66, in Game Masters

So without giving too much away in case my players spot this I have come up with an artifact/important McGuffin... I've decided that it gives a skill boost to non force sensitive PCs. A force sensitive gets access to more skills and the Force Power imbued within as a 'training tool' - similar to a holocron

I am AFB at the moment.. is this idea too OP based off other R&W artifacts in the F&D splat?

I've taken this route (carrot & stick method) as the players don't want to start from scratch with F&D characters although as GM i could say 'We're starting 'Age of F&D'. If you don't like it there's the door'

TBH they have to figure out what it is first and how to access even the mundane abilities.... so I may have wasted my time... any Failures (especially Despairs) aren't good on the table I made for the Lore roll

I like it, although I don't know how the boosting of non-force-sensitives would work?
I always interpreted it that way, that you had to unlock whatever artifact with the force and in return got some kind of understanding through the force.

From what you described I would think it's not OP, most Artifacts in RAW work atleast in a similar fashion: Grant Force Power X at Base Rank or give Boost to X, or more specialized effects.
Force Relics and Artifacts are pretty much anything goes territory.

Most of these are Force-Sensitive only, except the Eyes of Laqasa which is basically a Visor with some sort of magical something built in *scatches head*
I mean you could always "gift" your players with a Artifact that is imbued with some sort of Force-Entity, then it would definitely also affect Non-Force-Sensitive (but maybe with repercussions).
I at some point put a Sith Armor out for my Player's to find that houses a Sithlord's Ghost / Memory, they picked it up with due caution but didn't notice anything odd and sold it to a buyer that has since been possessed by said armor (not that my Player's have noticed yet ^^ ).