Should we have a cap of 10 units for 800pt tournament games?
- No activation spam.
- Mixes up the meta.
- No large unit activation disadvantages for those who would like to run less activations.
- No large deployment advantage if a person with less activations meets someone with lots.
- Less focus on lots of small units, with a few powerful units, that sit and wait til all of the enemy units have activated, to then move wherever they want.
- It forces people to focus on outmaneuver with what they have, rather than outmaneuver after the fact, by waiting til the enemy has exhausted their moves.
- We get to see more units with maxed out upgrades.
- We will see more of the tanks and/or bigger units.
- Players have to make harder choices in game because they have less room for failure. More units means they can be more expendable.
- The major pro - we won't see big unit activation disparities. If someone who runs 7-9 activations comes up against someone with 12-14, the player with more gets 4+ moves after the fact. It's pretty OP and I think doesn't reward better tactics, but is simply a cheese used to out-'game' the system.
- The meta will naturally shift (I argue for the better).
- Less unit spam means units will be less expendable and bravery 1 units are more vulnerable to suppression weapons. Suppression specific weapons will become stronger.
- Actions will become more precious, so refresh skills/weapons will be less desirable.
- Lists could become more predictable, but I argue in tournaments they already are. High end tournament results are showing high unit count armies are more effective because they game the system of an alternate action game that has no pass mechanic.
I am only arguing for this limit to be applied to tournament games, not friendly games. I think a 10 unit cap will make players make harder choices in list design. It gives players more certainty and confidence if they choose to take a low activation count army, because they know the disparity in count will be lower. Yes it shifts the meta, but there already is a meta.
Hope the devs and regular tournament players see this and at least consider play testing the idea. Again its only for competitive tournament play.