I was quite hyped when I noticed that combining Ents and BoF I could revive good ol' purple hero Faramir and makes an round one ally Treebead possible. I theo-crafted a deck so far, but stoped because I am not really happy with the outcome. For what is more, I cannot imagine that the new deck might be better (or more fun) than my current Ent deck. Soooo... somehow I need your help/input here.
First off: My current deck uses Quickbeam, Pippin and Elrond . I really, really do like hero Quickbeam because of a decent 2 questing power plus 4 attack right from the start. Oh and enables an instant Entmood. Pippin has a low threat, helps with card draw every now (also gives access to the damm bursts, which I rarely use tbh) and Elrond gives a huge bonus to Wellinghal Preservers as well as paying for red ents, too.
I have no published version of my BoF ent deck, because at the very moment it is a mess. I could publish it on request, though.
So for the choice of heroes I decided that my new deck should also contain hero quickbeam. Faramir is quite set, too. Lores Bifur can get resourdces from other heroes (especially leadership and spirit), so that dwarf is a good choice, too. This hero lineup will result in a high starting theat, so my spirit hero should enable access to threath reduction (and most probably should not have a high starting threat itself). So I have Beregond (own threat reduction) or Arwen (because of Elronds Council) in mind. These were my first thoughts.
The green and red cards within the deck are more or less all set; Ents and related cards. I added just one copy of each unique ally (except Treebeard), so I have a few deck slots to fill. There are a few cards to mention here: I added Secret Vigil for additional threat reduction. The "usual" Entmood is somewhat unstable even with 3 ent cards of each type (sometime I draw 0 ent cards when playing Entmood, that feels unsatifying), now there are even less ent cards in the deck, so I decided to try Peace and Thought - with 4 heroes there should be a possibility to have two to spare... anyhow, I have space for a 10th green card. A Warden of Healing might do it.
With the neutral cards I am also quite sure which ones to take. Ally Gandalf and Treebeard, Favour of the Valar, A Good Harvest and two side quests. Seems like a perfect match to me.
Now for the part which made me hesitate. There are a few purple cards which seem to be a good addition to ents: Hauberg of Mail (can be attached to an ent) and Man the Walls (exhausted allies wont quest in the first round anyways). I decided against Sneak Attack, because those two Gandalfs are the only usefull targets - to get both needed cards in hand has a very low chance. For all the other cards: I dont know. Are there any good cards which can boost an Ent deck? Its more or less the same with the 10 spirit cards. Two Tests of Will. Sure. Maybe two Ancient Mathoms. But basically for each other card I'd chose something to reduce threat. My thought so far: can a deck which uses roughly 1/5 of its cards to reduce the threat (which is a problem that only occurs because of initially choosing to use 4 instead of three heroes) be better than "my original deck".
Luckily, there is one deck on ringsdb which uses BoF and Ents. Even more, its author is Seastan! Holy Grail found, I thought. I peaked what theme and combos he has chosen. Bifur and Faramir. Nice. Red and green: more or less the same as me. Purple: more or less just resouce generation/smoothing. Blue: Test of Will and threat reduction. So now really new knowledge here, besides: Narya and no Ent heroes. So that leaves me with the thought that his deck utilizes powerfull (but generic) heroes and choses Ent allies (because of "powerfull") and tries to migrate their weakness "enters play exhausted" by adding Faramir and Narya. This is like a Vilya themed deck. Yes, this is an ent deck but I personally would not rate this an ent deck.
So, after that wall of text: what cards in purple and blue sphere did I miss which can boost the ents? Thanks in advance.