An In-depth look at Justice

By Deadwolf, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Part 4 of my In-Depth Series.


In order to win, you need to do damage but in order to not lose, you need to thwart. Because you can go into alter-ego mode to avoid taking damage, threat is the most common way to lose a game.

Justice is by far, the aspect that can most efficiently both remove and prevent threat. And while it is great at managing the main scheme, it also is great for dealing with side schemes. Justice can also use alter-ego as a defense for easily as it has many tools to deal with the resulting extra threat. Justice is particularly effective in solo, as threat and scheming carries greater weight than in multiplayer, and Justice's threat prevention tools can be key at preventing surprise losses from the card Advance, which can add ~50% of the total required threat to the main scheme.

However, It is possible to have too much thwarting, particularly in solo (In multiplayer & Heroic, there is typically more threat generated and more side schemes). Justice also has relatively low damage potential.

Justice cards in general, lack synergy (when 2+ effects are greater than the sum of their parts when used in tandem). Most Justice cards have the same power level regardless of hero and because of this, almost all Heroes can use Justice to a competent level, but it is rarely the best aspect of any hero, due to the fact they typically have greater synergy with other aspects. The main avenue for synergy is with Heroic Intuition and Justice's high quality energy resource cards.


Unlike the the other aspects, Justice really only has only one standard deck, although it has several flex slots that allow for variation. I am highlighting 3 variations, they have the same core but differ in flex cards.

Full thwart Justice - This variation goes all in on threat control. It is effective at controlling the scheme and removing side schemes for the whole table using cards such as For Justice, Counterintelligence, and Beat Cop (once Hulk is released). This build is ideal for multiplayer and can be very effective when partnered with very offensive heroes. It is also strong in Heroic modes, which can see threat build up very fast and have a lot of side schemes come out at once.
Best with: Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man
Sample deck:

Aggressive Justice - This variation has less threat control but more offensive tools giving it greater minion control using cards such Followed, Concussive Blow, and Stealth Strike.
Best with Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Man, Ms Marvel
Sample deck:

Ally Justice - This variation leverages Justice's allies and supports with First Aid.
Best with Black Panther, Captain America, Capt Marvel
Sample deck:


Please take ratings of newly/unreleased cards with a grain of salt.

Agent Coulson - A - 3 cost, 2 thw, & 3 hp allies are a great value by themselves. The fact that he tutors a card (after which you can play it or use as resource) makes him a very strong ally.
Daredevil - A - 2 thwart and 1 dmg is good but if you are only activating twice and then blocking, there are more efficient allies out there. But if supported with healing, then he starts to generate really good value.
Jessica Jones - A - While her thw can vary from weak to amazing, her 2 atk is a solid standby even when her thw is 1 and also gives her great versatility.
Quake - A - Her ability can be difficult to trigger, but is great if it does. But even if you don't use her ability, 2 atk and a block for 2 is great.

Concussive Blow - A - By confusing the villain, it allows you to slip into alter-ego, preventing getting attacked, but also denies the scheme. Efficient card.
Foiled - C - Low impact but can be good for heroes who spend a lot of time in alter-ego. The energy resource makes it playable in Iron-Man and Captain Marvel.
For Justice! - S - 2 resources for 4 thwart is signature level efficiency. While threat prevention is great for the main scheme, For Justice is one of the best ways to deal with side schemes.
Great Responsibility - C - Trading health for threat prevent isn't an amazing trade most of the time but for heroes like Thor and She-Hulk, who have high HP and lower hand size, this is decent.
Stealth Strike - B - 4 damage and 2 thwart is pretty good, but it is better in some scenarios over others.

The Power of Justice - S - Justice is a more expensive aspect, with few 0 and 1 cost cards, so this card will always be great value.

Beat Cop - A - this card removes 1 thwart a turn until you decide to use its secondary effect (if you decide to). It is a small effect but eventually adds up to big value. And with multiple in play at once, you get a significant effect without having to play cards. But it is a tempo loss when you play it, which can be an issue at higher difficulties. But also at those higher difficulties, using the secondary effect to delete a troublesome minion can be a huge tempo gain. It is slow, but played early enough, this card will do a tremendous amount of work.
Interrogation Room - B - this is a situational card but it can get good value over the course of the game, particularly when there will be more minions and with heroes with good anti-minion cards.
Surveillance Team - D - This card was marginal before but beat cop completely eclipses it. But it does have some uses in solo where For Justice would overthwart.

Counterintelligence - A - Inevitably compared to For Justice, but threat prevention can prevent the main scheme from advancing and can also be used in Alter-Ego. And if used in tandem, gives very strong threat control.
Heroic Intuition - S - Compared to Combat Training and Armored Vest, +1 thw gives the most value. It is extremely good on heroes with ready effects and makes the thwart action useful on heroes with base 1 thw.
Followed - A - 1 for 4 damage is very efficient but reliant on side schemes, making this better in multiplayer & heroic.
Spycraft - A - This is a great card because it only costs 1 and can sit in play giving you security against the nastiest of encounter cards. Spy requirement limits its play but you can fetch this with Coulson and can often play on same turn.
Under Surveillance - S* - This card varies extremely with player count. It near broken in solo and still a very strong pick in 2p, but increasingly marginal at 3+.


Black Panther - Justice is a solid choice for him. In in-expense of his signature kit allows him to dedicate a lot of resources to strong threat control or the more expensive offensive cards like concussive blow/ stealth strike. Vibranium makes getting the kicker on For Justice easy, and his resource generation makes it so he can easily afford Justice's great suite of allies.

Black Widow - With the ability to recycle Counterintelligence, and with Covert Ops, she has extremely strong threat control and Spycraft along with grappling hook gives her a lot of security against the worst encounter cards. One disadvantage is Counterintelligence does not synergize as well with Synth Suit as the other aspect preps.

Captain America - Heroic intuition synergizes with his hero ability and with Fearless Determination He can thwart for 4 with a single action.

Captain Marvel - A lot of the best Justice cards are also energy resources, this allows her to make an optimized deck and still have a large amount of energy resources for her signature kit.

Dr Strange - He does have ready effect, which synergizes with Heroic Intuition but he doesn't typically use basic actions (at least not 2 in a round). Justice allows him to utilize his alter-ego action more to quickly cycle through his deck but since Justice cards are on the more expensive side, playing them means less resources for Signature and Invocation cards.

Hulk - His high offense and low thwart capability makes him struggle in solo and Justice can compensate for that weakness. The problem is Justice only has 2 non-unique physical resource cards (3 if you count Spycraft) and they are both expensive. Due to his low hand size, he wants cheap aspect cards and lots of physical cards. Justice can't provide either, so it unfortunately will not be a strong answer to his solo woes.

Iron Man - He has a ready effect that he can use without cost. This synergy combined with Justice's high quality energy cards makes this a strong choice for him.

Ms Marvel - Ms Marvel's kit is all about events. Justice has 3 - For Justice, Concussive Blow, and Stealth Strike. For Justice gives her incredibly strong thwarting (and arguably too much in solo) but due to Embiggen, she also has above average attacking capability for a Justice deck. She generally performs better with events costing 2 or less, making Concussive Blow and Stealth Strike a bit awkward, but adding +2 to Stealth Strike does make it more likely to get kills. Justice also synergizes with the fact that she likes to flip to Alter-ego often.

She Hulk - She Hulk doesn't have much synergy due to her 1 thw, but due to the nature of the aspect, it is still good, especially in solo. She-Hulk's thwarting is fine, but it still struggles to achieve a net loss since the villain thwarts more than usual. Justice compensates for that and she also has synergy with Great Responsibility, as she can leverage lower health with Gamma Slam.

Spider-Man - As with She-Hulk, he doesn't have much synergy, but Justice is still good at a base line and compensates for his below average thwarting, especially in solo, where versatility is key.

Thor - Same as She-Hulk/Spider-Man. Justice also has a lot of good energy resource cards which makes it easier to get powerful lightning strikes.

Overall, Justice is a very strong aspect, and performs a strong role although it often can get overshadowed by Leadership, which can sometimes thwart almost as much, but also provide more offense and defense. But Justice is great for compensating for thwarting weaknesses for certain heroes in solo, and in multiplayer, over thwarting is less of an issue, allowing a single Justice player to control most of the threat, which other players can bring the offense.

Thanks for doing the series. Well done!

Solid review although I would explain what "tutoring" means for those that dont share a common ccg background.... heck we might even call it "Rodgering".

Edited by IceHot42