Getting rid of my painted armies

By TauntaunScout, in Star Wars: Legion

Just what the title says. P.m. me if you want details. I’ll keep precisely 800 points a empire and rebels. Pretty much everything else must go. I have no current releases, no pre-quel factions.

Edited by TauntaunScout

I have to ask, what prompted the offload?

Will miss you Tauntaun scout. Are you leaving legion?

Cleaning out and cleaning up!

I've gotten really into Kenner pre-production pieces. Raising a little money for that. Plus, my wife wants the basement empty, and I do mean EMPTY. Gonna have it professionally finished.

I will keep an army consisting basically of one of every Hoth unit, 3x corps, then see how many more items I have to keep for a full size army.

Up for grabs are (at least) 2x rebel troopers, 2 Atgar towers, Speeder bikes, an AT-ST, and probably 2 units of snowtroopers and an e-web. The plan, insofar as I have one, is to keep 3 corps for Hoth and "not Hoth" and go from there.

Good luck With your Basement 🙂

The basement sounds pretty neat! What’re you wanting for the e-web and the snow troopers?

Here’s what all I am cleaning out.

Wish I could make an offer, but my wife shut me down.

If it any consolidation, we own the same washing machine!

On 7/10/2020 at 11:13 AM, krebeck said:

The basement sounds pretty neat! What’re you wanting for the e-web and the snow troopers?

When it is done, I will build myself an exhibit case for unreleased, and pre-production, Kenner Star Wars stuff. And Marx dinosaurs.

I wish you best on the basement . You been a big part of the legion family thanks for secret Santa

Well I still have enough to play pickup games at stores if/when that becomes safe again.

Everything is taken except 2 squads of snowtroopers.

D’oh! I forgot to put the cards in the boxes. I will mail them out to those affected. I know who you are.