Does anyone realize how useless the T-Rex's piercing is? If I do happen to have a tough status card, I'm definitely using it to deflect the villain's attack, every time. Never leaving the T-Rex the opportunity to chew up a tough status card. Don't get me wrong, I love the T-Rex. I just knew they were going to add one. And he's still a great and powerful minion, but that piercing keyword is never going to be used.
New Scenario Pack
4 minutes ago, Venompuppy said:Does anyone realize how useless the T-Rex's piercing is? If I do happen to have a tough status card, I'm definitely using it to deflect the villain's attack, every time. Never leaving the T-Rex the opportunity to chew up a tough status card. Don't get me wrong, I love the T-Rex. I just knew they were going to add one. And he's still a great and powerful minion, but that piercing keyword is never going to be used.
Better not ever stun the villain while you've got tough, then.
And I guess I'll never defend against the villain as Black Widow when I know I've got a high enough DEF (along with attacrobatics/target acquired) to keep my tough card.
Realistically, though, status effects are going to become more and more common for Heroes to access. Putting keywords on villains/minions more often keeps them from being made obsolete by player-card power-creep. (Not saying we've got a bad level of power creep yet, but it's only natural for a game's power levels to creep to keep things interesting).
On 7/9/2020 at 4:57 PM, Tonbo Karasu said:Right, I've put the info from the article into my workbook and here are my thoughts.
Card numbers 34-37 will be the "Kang's Dominion" cards that are mentioned on the Stage 3 schemes. Why those ones? If you have the cards stacked in order out of the pack, ready to play the game for the first time on the Standard scenario you
- Put the first 6 cards in a stack as the Villain cards
- Put the next 7 cards in another stack as the Main Scheme cards
- Shuffle the next 37 cards (possibly with the Standard set) to make the Encounter deck - this includes the rest of the Kang scenario and the Temporal module.
- Set the next 4 cards aside to maybe add to the deck.
- Put the rest of the cards away, because they won't be used.
This then implies to me that the remaining 9 cards are the Expert version of the Villain plus the Anachronauts Module. Whether that's Stage I and III with 7 unique cards for the module or all 6 versions of Kang with only 3 unique cards in the Module, I'm unsure. I tend towards the former, but there are modules with just 3 different cards.
I bet Stage 4A does something with the Acceleration tokens sitting on Stage 2, since there's nthing to say otherwise.
Card number 18 is another Obligation Temporal card. To discard it, you need to discard a Physical card from your hand. You probably place 1 or more random cards from your hand under it when it's played.
How are the roller coasters in Kang’s Dominion? 🎢
8 hours ago, Derrault said:How are the roller coasters in Kang’s Dominion? 🎢
Wild, wild.
Did anyone zoom in on the Kang 3A play area example? Because my brother did, and he discovered the Kang(Crimson Centurion), had 1 SCH, and 4 ATK! The rest of the other Kang's stayed the same as the original Kang's, so I don't know if they accidentally added the expert version for him on accident, or if it was just a complete typo. Thoughts?
I wonder why they wouldn't just do double sided cards like Wrecking Crew.
Never mind, I guess they aren't double sided.
But still begs the question, why not?
Edited by Deadwolf
19 minutes ago, Venompuppy said:Did anyone zoom in on the Kang 3A play area example? Because my brother did, and he discovered the Kang(Crimson Centurion), had 1 SCH, and 4 ATK! The rest of the other Kang's stayed the same as the original Kang's, so I don't know if they accidentally added the expert version for him on accident, or if it was just a complete typo. Thoughts?
I'm beginning to wonder whether the typo was deliberate to draw attention to play area 3A, so that you would notice that this Crimson Centurion is actually from the Expert Kang set.
14 minutes ago, Deadwolf said:I wonder why they wouldn't just do double sided cards like Wrecking Crew.
Um, they didn't do double-sided cards in Wrecking Crew...
Double-sided appears to be reserved for cards that are flipped during the gameplay, and retain any attachments. Different cards for use in different versions of the scenrio are just given as seperate cards.
19 hours ago, Tonbo Karasu said:
I'm beginning to wonder whether the typo was deliberate to draw attention to play area 3A, so that you would notice that this Crimson Centurion is actually from the Expert Kang set.
Um, they didn't do double-sided cards in Wrecking Crew...
Double-sided appears to be reserved for cards that are flipped during the gameplay, and retain any attachments. Different cards for use in different versions of the scenrio are just given as seperate cards.
Also, in this case, you need to be able to randomly select the stage 2 Kangs, so they’d need to be single sided.