TIE/ph decloak question

By clanofwolves, in X-Wing Rules Questions

So I'm old-school on the TIE/ph, and this question might be ignorant, but need to know is upon me.

So the 2.0 decloak occurs during the system phase 'eh? OK, I can deal with that nerf, probably good for the game actually (along with the 3 gun primary). My questions arise in the decloak mechanism as it is out of the pre-movement phase and I want to insure I have the 411 on them as I practice. So, here's the questions (don't laugh oh experts of 2.0):

1) Can one decloak on to or over (2 template touches) an obstacle (asteroid, debris cloud, gas cloud, etc.)?

2) If, let's say, a TIE/ph ends up on an asteroid at the end of the previous round and she's cloaked, can she decloak off the obstacle?

3) Does the decloak set off snap-shot equipped ships of opposing players?

4) Is this system decloak action/movement have any other game play that I cannot think of?

I truly want to get Whisper out again, as she was a super go-to in 2017/18 and now I have her 2.0 card, chit, dial and a Juke, so... if educated on the above, why not?

Great questions! To answer then one by one...

  1. You cannot normally decloak over or onto an obstacle. The rules for decloaking specifically call for the ship to perform a boost or barrel roll, and THOSE rules dictate what happens if your attempted move would overlap or move through an obstacle. In essence, you can try to fit, but if you don't, the reposition attempt fails , and you can't try another attempt. That means, if you end up touching an obstacle, you have to stay cloaked for the round! The exception to this involves the use of a Collision Detector , which allows movement onto and through obstacles.
  2. You can decloak off of an obstacle, conditionally. Specifically, following the same rules for barrel rolling and boosting, as long as your template and final ship position do not overlap an obstacle, the move is legal.
  3. Decloaking does not trigger Snap Shot. Since a decloak is, mechanically, a form of boosting or barrel rolling, it is not considered to be a maneuver. That means abilities which check for ships performing maneuvers (Snap Shot, Foresight , etc) have no effect during a decloak.
  4. As far as other interactions to consider, the one thing that most stands out to me, is to remember that the TIE Phantom "Stygian Array" ability can be affected by stress. If you start the round stressed, you can still decloak, but you will not be able to perform your "free" evade action at that time. That can affect your actions for the remainder of the round, so consider carefully before committing to that decloak. (As @JBFancourt pointed out below, you are still able to spend your evade token to gain a cloak token at the end of the round, regardless of whether or not you're stressed.)

As far as squad building goes, Whisper (or any Phantom) loves having Fifth Brother on board, since Force charges are incredibly powerful & versatile on that platform.

Edited by emeraldbeacon
56 minutes ago, clanofwolves said:

4) Is this system decloak action/movement have any other game play that I cannot think of?

Well, there's what happens if it fails. If you don't fit (object, ship, board edge), that's it. You're done. You don't decloak this round. You can't check some other direction.

I guess this was already answered, in @emeraldbeacon 's comprehensive reply.

Thanks @emeraldbeacon , very well penned; and, to boot, you out-typed @theBitterFig who typically brings the mother load of info, and whom I also thank as well.

I do also see how Fifth Brother would be an almost auto include on this chassis to insure optimal flexibility and survive-ability. This seems to be the Imperial Jedi Knight 'eh? Sweet.


While stressed, you CAN use Stygian Array to cloak. Notice the distinction between “Action” vs “Token”.

Also, in addition to 5th Bro, check out Passive Sensors.

Strategy Tip: if you’re opponent read your mind and his whole force is staring you down after your decloak and move, consider just cloaking again for your action. 4 greens with an evade plus force can weather a nasty storm.

20 minutes ago, JBFancourt said:


While stressed, you CAN use Stygian Array to cloak. Notice the distinction between “Action” vs “Token”.

Also, in addition to 5th Bro, check out Passive Sensors.

Strategy Tip: if you’re opponent read your mind and his whole force is staring you down after your decloak and move, consider just cloaking again for your action. 4 greens with an evade plus force can weather a nasty storm.

Yeah, but the lack of the free Evade action next round can break the Cloak/Decloak chain, which is usually pretty frustrating.

38 minutes ago, JBFancourt said:


While stressed, you CAN use Stygian Array to cloak. Notice the distinction between “Action” vs “Token”.

Also, in addition to 5th Bro, check out Passive Sensors .

Strategy Tip: if you’re opponent read your mind and his whole force is staring you down after your decloak and move, consider just cloaking again for your action. 4 greens with an evade plus force can weather a nasty storm.

Shall do this to be sure.

I like the strategy tip lands as well, even if greens so very easily leave me saddened, but the evade and force is solidly nice.


Yes, absolutely! I was NOT contradicting your point, which is valid. Just clarifying.

Also, Whisper CAN avoid this and maintain the chain even while stressed. 😁 👍

... if she hits. 😱 😱 Sooo goood.

21 hours ago, JBFancourt said:

Also, Whisper CAN avoid this and maintain the chain even while stressed. 😁 👍

... if she hits. 😱 😱 Sooo goood.

A local player has flown a loaded Whisper alongside a "fat" Rear Admiral Chiraneau to great effect for the last year or so... at least, until everything in the world ground to a screeching halt. Specifically:

  • Rear Admiral Chiraneau, Darth Vader, Minister Tua, Moff Jerjerrod, Shield Upgrade, Proximity Mines (114 points)
  • Whisper, Juke, Fifth Brother, Passive Sensors, Stealth Device (84 points)

You have no idea how many times Jerjerrod catches the opponent off guard, with that system phase boost.

Edited by emeraldbeacon