Hanson Bro's Token holder

By Surak, in X-Wing

Generic greetings!

Has anyone had any contact with Hanson Bro's gaming recently, I've tried to contact them about their token holder through other channels to no success, so now I'm trying here!

9 hours ago, Surak said:

Generic greetings!

Has anyone had any contact with Hanson Bro's gaming recently, I've tried to contact them about their token holder through other channels to no success, so now I'm trying here!

No, but if you do, let me know as I have been wanting to get one of their token holders ever since I heard about them...after their fundraiser closed...

Try @wurms .

There will be an update later today. We have lacked in communication department, but we still are fulfilling last of the orders. COVID shutdown made this quite complicated for us. Sorry for delays. More info will be in KS update.

8 minutes ago, wurms said:

There will be an update later today. We have lacked in communication department, but we still are fulfilling last of the orders. COVID shutdown made this quite complicated for us. Sorry for delays. More info will be in KS update.

Hey @wurms completely understand how the whole world going mad can mess with your plans, my concern was more on the "**** I hope the guys behind this are ok" lines than the "WhErEs MeH sTuFfS!" lines. :)

keep safe everyone!

1 hour ago, Surak said:

Hey @wurms completely understand how the whole world going mad can mess with your plans, my concern was more on the "**** I hope the guys behind this are ok" lines than the "WhErEs MeH sTuFfS!" lines. :)

keep safe everyone!

Thanks. Yeah, we are all good. Dealing with some production issues, and trying to find solutions. Fun times 😐

Stay safe!

2 hours ago, wurms said:

Thanks. Yeah, we are all good. Dealing with some production issues, and trying to find solutions. Fun times 😐

Stay safe!

guess this is a bad time to ask about buying new add on modules....

If it's any consolation, it's totally worth waiting for.


Edited by Cloaker

@wurms sorry to bother, but I am so disappointed I missed this kickstarter. Is there any chance there will be a second one in the future? I've tried looking at alternative token holders and there are a few out there...but none are as comprehensive as this.

19 hours ago, Ebak said:

@wurms sorry to bother, but I am so disappointed I missed this kickstarter. Is there any chance there will be a second one in the future? I've tried looking at alternative token holders and there are a few out there...but none are as comprehensive as this.

We wont do another Kickstarter (at least not for token holder, we have other xwing ideas 😉 ), but once all backers from Kickstarter are fulfilled, we will start doing individual orders. You can signup onto our mailing list on our website, and when that happens we will shoot an email out.

Edited by wurms
16 hours ago, wurms said:

We wont do another Kickstarter (at least not for token holder, we have other xwing ideas 😉 ), but once all backers from Kickstarter are fulfilled, we will start doing individual orders. You can signup onto our mailing list on our website, and when that happens we will shoot an email out.

@wurms Thank you for not selling to the general public before KS backer are fullfilled. I have been a part of too many that sold to the general public before backers got even half of what they were supposed to be getting. Most of those I never got everything I paid for either and the company went under. It kind of makes you feel you were taken advantage of.

@wurms Hey, so I am one of the European backers, and we haven't heard anything since last September, when you said you were a couple of weeks out from fulfilling the final orders. I know how couple of weeks can spread into couple of months, but any update would be welcome.